
Library to reading and write CXSCAD files.

Install-Package Umov.Csxcad -Version 0.3.1


Umov.Csxcad Build status Status Ventis Nuget Package

This is a part of the Umov project responsible for parsing and creating CSXCAD and openEMS files.


To debug the library source in Visual Studio using the PDB from the NuGet package, you need to enable source server support as stated in GitLink manual.


This project uses Paket dependency manager. Before opening the solution or building the project, you should install Paket (or Paket bootstrapper) into .paket directory and download the dependencies using the following commands:

$ ./.paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe
$ ./.paket/paket.exe restore

For convenience, there is a script Scripts/Install.ps1 that will download Paket bootstrapper and call these commands automatically.

Consult the script documentation to discover its parameters.


To build Nuget package for Umov, use the script Scripts/Package.ps1. If you want to push this package to the Nuget feed, use Scripts/Push-Package.ps1.

âš  Please make sure you have a recent version of NuGet installed (4.1 should be okay), e.g. by installing it from Chocolatey.

Sample XML generation

Currently Umov.Csxcad relies on CSXCAD and openEMS samples generated by Octave / MATLAB openEMS interface with some static additions. These samples are concatenated and stored in Tools/Sample.lxml file (which is not a well-formed XML but an XML element list for XMLProvider).

Raw XML contents of CSX.xml and openEMS.xml are also used for the unit tests.

To generate these sample files, install Octave and openEMS, and run the attached script file. For example:

$ cd Tools
$ octave-cli Generate-XML.m


Copyright © 2015–2017 Friedrich von Never

This software may be at the user's choice used under the terms of:

  • WTFPL (see for details) WTFPL
  • MIT (see for details)