
Package Description

Agnostic, Browser, Chromium, DevExpress, Edge, Framework, PropertyEditor, WebView, XAF, Xenial, eXpressApp
Install-Package Xenial.Framework.WebView -Version 0.9.0


Commitizen friendly Xenial.Framework Nuget


Extensions for the DevExpress ExpressApp Framework - Easy. Flexible. Focused.

Platform support: .NET Standard 2.0 and upwards, including net462.


You need to have node v12 and dotnet sdk 3.1 installed on your local machine.

Set an environment variable to your DevExpress Nuget Feed

SET DEVEXPRESS_NUGET_FEED=https://nuget.devexpress.com/YOUR_API_KEY_HERE/api

For operating system different than Windows the steps may vary.


We use node only for linting commit messages and pushes so make sure to install the proper hooks by running:

npm install

Afterwards you are able to commit code either by hand using the commitizen rules or by running:

git cz
npm run c


You should be able to build the project by using the build scripts:

#Or for short
#Or for powershell

#Linux & MacOS
. build.sh

The project uses bullseye to list individual targets use build -l.

Linting and Formatting

This project uses dotnet format to keep the code base consistent. If the build fails, you can use build format to automatically format code against the rules defined.

Bypass checks

By default when you commit the message is linted and before you push changes a default integration build is started. To bypass this behavior you can add --no-verify to the git commit or git push commands.

Writing docs

We use Wyam to write the documentation. To serve up docs simply call b docs.serve and open http://localhost:5080/. All documentation is in the docs directory.


Xenial.Framework is dual-licensed under the License Zero Prosperity Public License and the License Zero Private License. The Prosperity License limits commercial use to a thirty-day trial period, after which a license fee must be paid to obtain a Private License.