build projects in a separate output directory

C++, native, nativepackage
Install-Package builddir -Version 3.2.1



Visual Studio property sheet to use a separate build output directory.

The builddir.props property sheet defines a new macro, $(BuildDir), set to $(SolutionDir)build\$(Configuration)\ by default. All intermediate and final output files from the compilation will be placed under this directory.

The package.xml file makes it possible to modify this macro on a per project and configuration basis by adding an option in the Property Pages of the project. You can find it under: Configuration Properties > NuGet Dependencies > builddir > Build Directory

Example output directory structure

Using the default $(BuildDir), when compiling a solution with three projects:

Project Name Configuration Type
app Application (.exe)
dynamic Dynamic library (.dll)
static Static library (.lib)

The output would be:

│   ├───bin/
|   │       app.exe
|   │       app.pdb
|   │       dynamic.dll
|   │       dynamic.pdb
|   |
|   ├───intermediate/
|   │   ├───app/
|   │   |       *.obj
|   │   ├───dynamic/
|   │   |       *.obj
|   │   └───static/
|   │           *.obj
|   |
|   └───lib/
|           dynamic.exp
|           dynamic.lib
|           static.lib
|           static.pdb


You'll probably want to use this $(BuildDir) in all the projects in your solution, and there are three easy ways of accomplishing this:

Nuget (recommended)

Run the following in the Package Manager Console:
get-project -all | install-package builddir

Git submodule

Add this project as a submodule from command line:
git submodule add
and then follow the manual instructions.


Download the builddir.props and package.xml files and then add builddir.props to all your projects in Visual Studio:
View > Property Manager > select all your projects > right-click > Add Existing Property Sheet > select builddir.props