
Maps JSON files to PHP objects, intended for simple model separation and manual content authoring


JSON Object Mapper

Build Status

Small library to read JSON files from a directory and turn them into PHP objects. Designed for simple content authoring and model separation by developers without the need for a whole DBMS.

Not intended as any kind of DBMS, or application writable persistence layer

Main Features


composer require adamquaile/json-object-mapper


Full documentation here


require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$manager = new \AdamQuaile\JsonObjectMapper\EntityManager('/path/to/storage');

// Either
$book = $manager->find('books/1984');
$book->getTitle(); // etc

// or

$books = $manager->findAll('books');
$books[0]->getTitle() // etc

// or

$books = $manager->findAll('books', $manager->query()->matches('', '/george/i'));
$books[0]->getTitle() // etc