
Extended API to connect with PiiVO DAM

api, PIM, akeneo


PiiVO Connector

This extension purposes new API possibilities to connect PiiVO DAM with Akeneo PIM. We are trying to create this extension to add more features on the current version but keep in mind we don't engage on its stability.


PiiVO Connector Akeneo PIM Community Edition
v1.1.* v2.*
v1.0.* v1.7.*


You can install this bundle with composer (see requirements section):

    php composer.phar require akeneo/piivo-connector:1.1.*

and enable the bundle in the app/AppKernel.php file in the registerBundles() method:

    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new Piivo\Bundle\ConnectorBundle\PiivoConnectorBundle(),
        new Pim\Bundle\ExtendedAttributeTypeBundle\PimExtendedAttributeTypeBundle(),

If your installation is already set up, don't forget to clean your cache in production environment.

Adds routing in app/config/routing.yml:

   resource: "@PiivoConnectorBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
   prefix: /api

Elasticsearch indexes

As explained in the ExtendedAttributeTypeBundle's README, you will also have to register the new Elasticsearch configuration files; in app/config/pim_parameters.yml, edit the elasticsearch_index_configuration_files parameter and add the following values:

    - '%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Pim/Bundle/CatalogBundle/Resources/elasticsearch/index_configuration.yml'
    - '%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/akeneo/extended-attribute-type/src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/index_configuration.yml'

For the Enterprise edition, there is another file to register:

    - '%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Pim/Bundle/CatalogBundle/Resources/elasticsearch/index_configuration.yml'
    - '%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/akeneo/pim-enterprise-dev/src/PimEnterprise/Bundle/WorkflowBundle/Resources/elasticsearch/index_configuration.yml'
    - '%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/akeneo/extended-attribute-type/src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/index_configuration.yml'
    - '%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/akeneo/extended-attribute-type/src/Resources/config/elasticsearch/index_configuration_ee.yml'    

If this is a fresh install, you can then proceed with a standard installation.

From an existing PIM, on the other hand, you will have to re-create your elasticsearch indexes:

    php bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup --env=prod
    php bin/console akeneo:elasticsearch:reset-indexes --env=prod
    php bin/console pim:product-model:index --all --env=prod
    php bin/console pim:product:index --all --env=prod


Some example of API usages can be found here: https://api.akeneo.com/ We keep API main rules for new routes and filters.


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