Collection of utilities related to the extraction, validation and normalization of various scholarly identifiers.
Current version: 0.10.1
Supported PHP versions: 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7
$ composer require altmetric/identifiers
Supported identifiers
The supported list is:
- ADS Bibcodes;
- arXiv IDs;
- DOIs (including ISBN-As);
- Handles;
- ISBNs;
- National Clinical Trial IDs;
- ORCID identifiers;
- PubMed IDs;
- RePEc IDs;
- URNs;
- URIs.
API Documentation
public AdsBibcode::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\AdsBibcode;
$bibcodes = AdsBibcode::extract('ADS: 1974AJ.....79..819H');
//=> ['1974AJ.....79..819H']
Return an array of ADS bibcodes from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
public ArxivId::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\ArxivId;
$arxivIds = ArxivId::extract("math.GT/0309136\narXiv:1501.00001v2");
//=> ['math.GT/0309136', '1501.00001v2']
Return an array of arXiv IDs from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
public Doi::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\Doi;
$dois = Doi::extract('doi:10.1049/el.2013.3006')
//=> ['10.1049/el.2013.3006']
Return an array of DOIs (including ISBN-As) from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
public Handle::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\Handle;
$handles = Handle::extract('')
//=> ['10149/596901']
Return an array of Handles from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
public Isbn::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\Isbn;
$isbns = Isbn::extract("ISBN: 9780805069099\nISBN: 2-7594-0269-X");
//=> ['9780805069099', '9782759402694']
Return an array of ISBN-13s from a given string. Will convert ISBN-As and ISBN-10s to ISBN-13s automatically and return an empty array if no matches are found.
public NationalClinicalTrialId::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\NationalClinicalTrialId;
$nctIds = NationalClinicalTrialId::extract('Trial ID: NCT00000106');
//=> ['NCT00000106']
Return an array of National Clinical Trial IDs from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
public OrcidId::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\OrcidId;
$orcidIds = OrcidId::extract('');
//=> ['0000-0002-0088-0058']
Return an array of ORCID identifiers from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
public PubmedId::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\PubmedId;
$pubmedIds = PubmedId::extract("23193287\n14599470\n\npmid:456\ninfo:pmid/789");
//=> ['23193287', '14599470', '123', '456', '789']
Return an array of PubMed IDs from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
public RepecId::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\RepecId;
$repecIds = RepecId::extract("RePEc:wbk:wbpubs:2266\nRePEc:inn:wpaper:2016-03");
//=> ['RePEc:wbk:wbpubs:2266', 'RePEc:inn:wpaper:2016-03']
Return an array of RePEc identifiers from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
public Urn::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\Urn;
$urns = Urn::extract("urn:foo:bar\nURN:FOO:BA%2CZ");
//=> ['urn:foo:bar', 'urn:foo:BA%2cZ']
Return an array of URNs from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
public Uri::extract(string $str): array
use Altmetric\Identifiers\Uri;
$uris = Uri::extract("");
//=> ['']
Return an array of URIs from a given string. Will return an empty array if no matches are found.
Ruby version
We also maintain a version of this library for Ruby.
- Thanks to Jeff Roberson's "Regular Expression URI Validation"
Copyright © 2016-2017 Altmetric LLP
Distributed under the MIT License.