IceAge - micro php framework
IceAge is a PHP nano-framework which is lightning fast and extreme small with total around 350 lines of code. IceAge provide a very simple, but powerful and flexible interface for building web-based applications.
In my Lenovo U4170, Intel Core i5 5200U, 4GB RAM, using apache bench, a full page using IceAge with dotenv to load environment variables, Twig for template engine and 1 PDO MySQL query can reach 1639.09 requests/second. A hello world page using IceAge can reach up to 10167.46 requests/second.
Hello, world!
// index.php
// composer autoload, install any dependencies you need
$app = new \IceAge\Application();
// routes definition
$app->get('/', function(){return 'Hello, world!';});
$result = $app->run();
// Routing with regex definition of parameters and multiple methods
// id in URL must be digit to match
// optional parameters
// this will match /blog/2017, /blog/2017/07, /blog/2017/07/01
$app->get('/blog(/:year|[\d]{4}|(/:month|[\d]{2}|(/:day|[\d]{2}|)?)?)?', function($route_params){
return $route_params;
// grouping routes
$app->group('/admin', function(){
$this->get('/photo', function(){
return 'PhotoAdmin';
}); // match /admin/photo
$this->post('/gallery', function(){
return 'GalleryAdmin';
}); // match /admin/gallery
return 'RequiredLogin';
}, array('required_login' => 1));
Using Services
IceAge support 2 main features: routes and services management. You can register service to the application using register method:
// index.php
// composer autoload, install any dependencies you need
use \Twig_Environment as Twig;
$app = new \IceAge\Application();
// register $db service
$app->register('db', function(){
return new \PDO(
// register Twig_Environment template
$app->register('Twig_Environment', function(){
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem(realpath('app/templates/views'));
return new Twig($loader, array(
'cache' => realpath('app/templates/cache'),
'auto_reload' => true
// routes definition
// in the route handler you can use the $db service which is a PDO instance
// and load any parameter name which is a Twig_Environment instance
$app->get('/', function($db, Twig $template){
return $template->render('template.html', array('message' => 'Hello, world!'));
$result = $app->run();
As you can see in the above example, services can be loaded by its name ($db) or by its class name (Twig_Environment)
Bootstrap application
IceAge application object support a bootstrap method which can use to register all services and routes handler. For example:
// public/index.php
// composer autoload, install any dependencies you need
$app = new \IceAge\Application();
try {
$result = $app->run();
catch(Exception $e){
$response = $app->run_handler('\\App\\Controller\\Error::error', array('error' => $e));
$result = $app->response($response);
// app/Bootstrap/Env.php
namespace App\Bootstrap;
use Rfussien\Dotenv\Loader;
class Env {
public static function load(){
$dotenv = new Loader('app/');
// app/Bootstrap/Routes.php
namespace App\Bootstrap;
class Routes {
public static function register($app){
// routes definition
$app->get('/', '\\App\\Controller\\Index::get');
$app->get('/login', '\\App\\Controller\\Login::index');
$app->get('/group/get/:id', '\\App\\Controller\\Group::get');
$app->post('/user/signin', '\\App\\Controller\\Login::signin');
// app/Bootstrap/Services.php
namespace App\Bootstrap;
class Services {
private static $dbh;
private static $twig;
private static $acl;
public static function register($app){
$app->register('db', '\\App\\Bootstrap\\Services::db_service');
$app->register('twig', '\\App\\Bootstrap\\Services::twig_service');
public static function db_service(){
self::$dbh = new \PDO(
return self::$dbh;
public static function twig_service(){
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem(realpath('app/templates/views'));
self::$twig = new \Twig_Environment($loader, array(
'cache' => realpath('app/templates/cache'),
'auto_reload' => true
return self::$twig;
// app/Controller/Hello.php
namespace App\Controller;
use App\DataTable\TestTbl;
class Hello
// $route_params is a special service to get the parameters defined on route
// In this case the route is /hello/:name/:id
// So if the request URL is /hello/Bob/1 then $route_params['name'] = "Bob"
// $route_params['id'] = 1
public static function get($twig, $db, $route_params)
$test_tbl = new TestTbl($db);
$row = $test_tbl->get($route_params['id']);
return $twig->render('hello/index.html', array('row' => $row));
// app/Controller/Error.php
namespace App\Controller;
class Error {
// $error is passed from the below line in index.php
// $response = $app->run_handler('\\App\\Controller\\Error::error', array('error' => $e));
public static function error($twig, $error){
return $twig->render('error/index.html', array('error' => $error, 'debug' => $_ENV['DEBUG_MODE']));
Request lifecycle
- The bootstrap functions is call, with instance of IceAge Application object
- The application object will try to find the matched routes
- If no route matched, an IceAge\Exception is throw with the code is IceAge\Exception::NO_ROUTE and exit
- If one route matched, IceAge Application will run the route middlewares if exits.
- If the route middleware handler run and return the response, IceAce Application will move the the output process step without running route handler.
- If the route middleware does not return value, IceAge Application load all services which the route handler used, and then call route handler with loaded services and then get the response.
- Depending on the route handler response:
- If it is a string, IceAge send the string as output to browser immediately.
- If it is an instance of \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, IceAge use \Zend\Diactoros to produce the output and send to browser.
- In other cases, IceAge use json_encode function to produce the output and send it with header Content-type: application/json.
To register route middleware, you can use middleware method of the route object:
$app->get('/', '\\App\\Controller\\Index::get')
// middleware handler can use any registered services and params passed on
->middleware(function($db, $permission){
// $permission = "admin"
// implement middleware here
array('permission' => 'admin'))
// $login_required = True
// implement middleware here
array('login_required' => True));