
XML Builder for use with SimpleXMLElement

xml, SimpleXML, simplexmlelement



The AntiMattr XML library that provides XML building support for SimpleXMLElement.


Add the following to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "antimattr/xml": "~1.0@stable"

Install the libraries by running:

composer install

If everything worked, the XML Library can now be found at vendor/antimattr/xml.


There are a lot of examples in the tests directory, here are the basics

Note: Ordinary Arrays are supported. To handle scenarios such as "attributes" and "indexed vs associative arrays", notice the existince of array keys

One Node
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
$root = $this->builder

$data = array(
    'product' => array()
$this->builder->add($root, $data);

$xml = $root->asXML();
Multiple Nodes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
$root = $this->builder

$data = array(
    'product' => array(),
    'foo' => array(),
    'bar' => array()
$this->builder->add($root, $data);

$xml = $root->asXML();
Multiple Repeating Nodes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
$root = $this->builder

$data = array(
    0 => array('_name' => 'product'),
    1 => array('_name' => 'product'),
    2 => array('_name' => 'product')
$this->builder->add($root, $data);

$xml = $root->asXML();
Child Nodes and Attributes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <item foo5="bar5" example5="test5"/>
$root = $this->builder

$data = array(
    'product' => array(
        '_values' => array(
            'item' => array(
                '_attributes' => array('foo5' => 'bar5', 'example5' => 'test5')
$this->builder->add($root, $data);
$xml = $root->asXML();

Pull Requests

Pull Requests - PSR Standards

Please use the pre-commit hook to fix all code to PSR standards

Install once with

Copying /antimattr-xml/bin/ -> /antimattr-xml/bin/../.git/hooks/pre-commit

Pull Requests - Testing

Please make sure tests pass

$ vendor/bin/phpunit tests

Pull Requests - Code Sniffer and Fixer

Don't have the pre-commit hook running, please make sure to run the fixer/sniffer manually

$ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src/
$ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix tests/