Drupal Theme based on the uswds_base theme




This theme is a sub-theme of uswds_base drupal theme. This sub-theme requires the full USWDS assets folder and the @USWDS/compile package. The steps below assume you are using a docker container to run Drupal app and you Lando to spin services and tooling in your app. It uses GULP to compile SASS and copy/update USWDS assets. This assumes your webroot is : web . If your codebase webroot name is different, you need to update lando.yml file.

Install and enable a Prudentia subtheme in a Drupal 9 website

  1. Install the prudentia theme lando composer require atf/prudentia

_Note: As March 2022, to use the USWDS 2.13.1 version we need the uswds_base 2.13@alpha version. Since this alpha version that does not meet the composer minimum-stability, manually installation of that version is needed.

  1. Run: lando composer require 'drupal/uswds_base:^2.13@alpha'

  2. Copy the /web/themes/contrib/prudentia/starterkit/yourthemename folder

  3. Paste the yourthemename folder in the /web/themes/custom/ directory

  4. Replace "yourthemename" folder name with your theme name

  5. Replace all instances of "yourthemename" in the filenames with your theme name.







  6. Open the files inside each of the following folders and replace all instances of "yourthemename" with your theme name.







NOTE: Remove the 'rename-me' from the filename of custom/yourthemename/yourthemename.info.rename.me.yml file

  1. Navigate to /admin/extend and enable the components module

  2. Navigate to the /admin/appearance page

  3. Install and set as default "yourthemename" theme

  4. Open lando.yml file and add the following code:

Note: replace yourthemename with your theme name

    type: node:16
      - npm install --prefix ./web/themes/contrib/prudentia/
      - rm -rf ./web/themes/custom/yourthemename/node_modules
      - mv ./web/themes/contrib/prudentia/node_modules ./web/themes/custom/yourthemename
    service: node
    service: node
    service: node


  • Change 'web' with the root of your application if it is needed.
  • The reason of removing node_modules from yourthemename/ is to avoid issue of not finding empty directory on lando rebuild -y
  1. lando rebuild -y

  2. cd web/themes/custom/yourthemename

  3. lando npx gulp copyAssets

  4. lando npx gulp compile

  5. lando drush cr

  6. In your drupal application:

  • Go to "admin/config/development/performance" and uncheck: "Aggregate CSS files" and "Aggregate JavaScript files" under the Bandwidth Optimization and click Save Configuration (to prevent caching)

  • Go to "/admin/appearance" page and "Install and set as default" yourthemename theme.

  1. Clear cache lando drush cr

  2. Navigate to your project home page, it should be running your custom theme based on Prudentia

Important Notes:

  • The lando.yml code above:

    • Runs on lando rebuild and installs Node and NPM in your docker container, adds @uswds/compile, uswds design system and other packages/dependencies to the 'node_modules' in docroot/themes/custom/yourthemename directory.
    • Assumes your webroot folder name is "web". You might need to change it with "docroot" or with the name of your webroot folder.
  • The Prudentia theme depends on the Components Library Drupal module (https://www.drupal.org/project/components) and the module must be enabled for the theme to be enabled. If you install the theme via composer the module will be pulled into your codebase automatically.

  • As March 2022, this theme needs the uswds_base ^2.13@alpha version which works with uswds 2.13.1. You need to manually require the uswds_base ^2.13@alpha version.

  • This theme uses USWDS Compiler (@uswds/compile package) to compile SASS and it requires Node v16

  • Upgrade lando to version 3.6.2 that supports Node v16

PRUDENTIA GITHUB REPO: https://github.com/atfweb/prudentia/
