
Math expressions calculator with custom operators, functions and variables

parser, math, expression, calculator



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Math expressions calculator with custom operators, functions and variables

Install via Composer

|$ composer require avadim/math-executor

All instructions to install here: https://packagist.org/packages/avadim/math-executor

Sample usage

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$calculator = new \avadim\MathExecutor\MathExecutor();

print $calculator->execute('1 + 2 * (2 - (4+10))^2 + sin(10)');

// cascade execution - variable $_ has result of previous calculation
print $calculator
        ->calc('1 + 2 * (2 - $_)^2')
        ->calc('$_ + sin(10)')

Default operators and functions

Default operators: + - * / ^

Default functions:

  • sin
  • cos
  • tn
  • asin
  • acos
  • atn
  • min
  • max
  • avg


Default variables:

$pi = 3.14159265359
$e = 2.71828182846

You can add own variable to executor:

    'var1' => 0.15,
    'var2' => 0.22

$calculator->execute('$var1 + $var2');

Extra operators and functions

To load extra operators and functions use method loadExtra():


Extra operators are boolean operators: < <= > >= == != You can use boolean operators with function if()

print $calculator->execute('if(100+20+3 > 111, 23, 34)');

Custom functions

Add custom function to executor:

$calculator->addFunction('hypotenuse', function($a, $b) {
    return sqrt($a ** 2 + $b ** 2);
}, 2);

print $calculator->execute('hypotenuse(3,4)');

Custom operators

Add custom operator to executor:

use avadim\MathExecutor\Generic\AbstractToken;
use avadim\MathExecutor\Generic\AbstractTokenOperator;
use avadim\MathExecutor\Token\TokenScalarNumber;

class TokenOperatorModulus extends AbstractTokenOperator
    protected static $pattern = 'mod';

     * Priority of this operator (1 equals "+" or "-", 2 equals "*" or "/", 3 equals "^")
     * @return int
    public function getPriority()
        return 3;

     * Association of this operator (self::LEFT_ASSOC or self::RIGHT_ASSOC)
     * @return string
    public function getAssociation()
        return self::LEFT_ASSOC;

     * Execution of this operator
     * @param AbstractToken[] $stack Stack of tokens
     * @return TokenScalarNumber
    public function execute(&$stack)
        $op2 = array_pop($stack);
        $op1 = array_pop($stack);
        $result = $op1->getValue() % $op2->getValue();

        return new TokenScalarNumber($result);

And adding to executor:

$calculator = new avadim\MathExecutor\MathExecutor();
$calculator->addOperator('mod', '\TokenOperatorModulus');
echo $calculator->execute('286 mod 100');

Interpreting of identifiers

Identifiers - start with a letter and consist of a sequence of letters and numbers. You can specify rules how to interpret them in calculations

    'ONE' => 1,
    'YEAR' => function($variables, $identifiers) { return date('Y'); },

$calculator->execute('YEAR + ONE');