
The simplest bare-bones configuration to begin building an application using the Bones framework.

framework, php, mvc, Bones


Bones Skeleton

Bones Skeleton is the simplest configuration necessary to begin building an application using the Bones framework.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.


Bayfront Media


  • PHP >= 7.2.0


Install using Composer

To install using Composer:

composer create-project bayfrontmedia/bones-skeleton project-name

Create a symbolic link

If not already existing in /public, a symbolic link must be created to map to the /storage/public directory. From the command line, navigate to the /public directory and type:

ln -s ../storage/public storage

Or, change "storage" to whatever you want the public storage directory to be named.

Configure the app

If existing, rename the file .env.example to .env, then modify the environment variables as needed.

Modify the configuration files in the /config directory as needed.

Important: Be sure to define a unique APP_KEY in the .env file. A cryptographically secure app key can be created from the command line:

php /path/to/resources/cli.php

Setup a cron job

If cron jobs will be used, add a new entry to your crontab to run every minute:

* * * * * /path/to/php/bin /path/to/resources/cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

Now, your server will check the file every minute, and the Cron scheduler service will only run the jobs that are due, according to their schedule. All output from the cron jobs will be saved to the output file specified in /config/cron.php.


Navigate to the public root of your application in a browser. You should see the message "Bones v* is successfully installed".

You are now ready to begin building your application.

Documentation for this application can be found here.

For further documentation, see the Bones repository.