Template Bundle
contact@benmacha.tn https://dali.benmacha.tn
By D'Ali Ben MachaSymfony bundle to generate template with a nice design in your Symfony application.
The easiest way to install and configure the TemplateBundle with Symfony is by using
Add the benmacha/templatebundle
package to your require
section in the composer.json
$ composer require benmacha/templatebundle ^1.0
Add the Bundle to your application's kernel:
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Benmacha\TemplateBundle\BenmachaTemplateBundle(),
// ...
Configure the Bundle
in your config.yml
site_name: 'Ben Macha' #required
logo_path: 'bundles/benmachatemplate/img/logo-2.png' #required
logo_path_mobile: 'bundles/benmachatemplate/img/logo-2-mob.png' #required
class: AppBundle\Entity\User
picture: image
To generate a CRUD, run this command
NB: The menu will be generated
$ php bin/console benmacha:generate:crud
Don't forget to extend the repository like this
namespace AppBundle\Repository;
use Benmacha\TemplateBundle\Repository\BaseRepository; //add this line
class UserRepository extends BaseRepository // make this extend
// Your code