
Base TYPO3 extension that allows targeting and personalization of TYPO3 content: Limit pages, content-elements etc. to certain "Marketing Personas". Determination of Personas can come from various sources (requires add-on extensions).

automation, marketing, TYPO3 CMS, extension, typo3


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TYPO3 Extension "Marketing Automation"

Base TYPO3 extension that allows targeting and personalization of TYPO3 content: Limit pages, content-elements etc. to certain "Marketing Personas". Determination of Personas can come from various sources (requires add-on extensions).


Simply require the extension by running:

composer require leuchtfeuer/marketing-automation


  1. Go to your root-page and create a new record of type "Persona". Give it a title and configure the persona (e.g. if you use EXT:mautic, select some segments in the Mautic tab).
  2. Now, edit a page or a content-element. Under the Access tab you'll find the new setting "Limit to targeting personas". Select the Persona created in the first step. The page or content-element will be shown only if the current user belongs to a segment of the Persona (similar to FE Access Rights).


You can contribute by making a pull request to the master branch of this repository, by using the "❤️ Sponsor" button on the top of this page, or just send us some beers 🍻...