
A PHP User system



BlacksmithProject User System

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A PHP User system.

How to use it ?

There are several actions available, from register a new User to reset its password.
Each actions comes with its command, handler and event(s).


How to Register a new User:

You can register a User with an email and a password. The password will be encoded with bcrypt.

  • create a RegisterUser command.
$command = new RegisterUser('', 'pa$$word');
  • handle the command with RegisterUserHandler.
  • [Optional] listen to the event UserRegisteredEvent and send an activation email for example.

How to Activate a User:

During registration, a token is generated. Its type is activation. If the token is expired, a new one will be generated during this process.

  • create an ActivateUser command.
$command = new ActivateUser('token-value');
  • handle the command with ActivateUserHandler.
  • [Optional] listen to the event UserActivatedEvent and add a role to User for example.
  • [Optional] listen to the event RegeneratedActivationTokenEvent and send an email with the new token to User.

If you don't want to activate User through email, you can do it on a UserRegisteredEventListener.

How to Authenticate a User:

Authentication let you check if User exists, is active and that its credentials are valid.

  • create an AuthenticateUser command.
$command = new AuthenticateUser('', 'pa$$word');
  • handle the command with AuthenticateUserHandler.
  • [Optional] listen to the event UserAuthenticatedEvent and start User's session for example.

How to Request a password reset:

Sometimes, User will forget its password, and will need to reset it. It is a two-step action, here is the first part: Request. During the process, a token of type 'reset_password' will be generated.

  • create an RequestResetPassword command.
$command = new RequestResetPassword('');
  • handle the command with RequestResetPasswordHandler.
  • [Optional] listen to the event ResetPasswordRequestedEvent and send a reset-password email to User.

How to Reset a password:

Here is the second part of the reset password process: Reset. If the token is expired, a new one will be generated during this process.

  • create an ResetPassword command.
$command = new ResetPassword('token-value', 'new-password');
  • handle the command with ResetPasswordHandler.
  • [Optional] listen to the event PasswordResetEvent and send a password-reset email to User.
  • [Optional] listen to the event RegeneratedResetPasswordTokenEvent and send an email with the new token to User.