PLEASE NOTE: This project is in development and not ready to be used in production.
BlendEngine is a web application framework written using Symfony Components. Customized to sit somewhere between Silex and Symfony. It has several core components for creating web applications and public facing websites.
Current built-in functionality:
- Dependency Injection Container, and a Service Container.
- Routing: similar to Symfony and Silex.
- Modules: generic solution similar to Bundles in Symfony.
- Translation: for making the application multi-lingual.
- PostgreSQL: We only support PostgreSQL for obvious reasons.
- Data Models: Generic data mapper and builder for ORM, not Doctrine!
- Template: Support for Twig, and Raw PHP templates.
- JSON configuration: configuration files are in JSON, not .yml.
- PDF generation: Helps generating PDF files using wkhtml2pdf library.
- SwiftMailer: Provides functionality to send e-mails.
- Session Handling: Native (php native) session handling by default but
customizable to use Redis or Memcache
- Text and JSON Response: Creates the correct HTTP response based on
controller/action return values
- Security: Simplified security handling for Form based authentication.
- Roles: Simplified Role handling to tie a Route to a role
- Event Dispatching: Same as Silex and Symfony
- Form Processing: Easy Form processing, included built-in POST->Redirect-GET
- JSON API: Built-in functionality to create JSON (REST-ish) APIs
BlendEngine requires the following componenets:
- PHP 5.6 : Is required and must be available from the command prompt.
- composer : Is required and must be available from the command prompt.
- compass : Required if you want to be able to compile the sass files to css
- PostgreSQL : Required if your application needs to work with a database (We don't support MySQL)
Getting Started
To create a starter project run the following command from bash:
curl -s | bash -s -- MyProject
cd MyProject
bin/myproject serve