Kirby 3 Cloudconvert
Plugin to convert anything to anything using cloudconvert.
Commerical Usage
Support open source!
This plugin is free but if you use it in a commercial project please consider to sponsor me or make a donation.
If my work helped you to make some cash it seems fair to me that I might get a little reward as well, right?
Be kind. Share a little. Thanks.
‐ Bruno
M | O | N | E | Y |
Github sponsor | Patreon | Buy Me a Coffee | Paypal dontation | Hire me |
- unzip as folder
or -
git submodule add site/plugins/kirby3-cloudconvert
or composer require bnomei/kirby3-cloudconvert
How to convert files on demand (synchronously)?
Example 1: docx to pdf
if($fileWord = $page->file('test.docx')) {
$filePDF = $fileWord->cloudconvert(
'inputformat' => 'docx',
'outputformat' => 'pdf',
str_replace('.docx', '.pdf', $fileWord->root()),
false // wait for conversion to be done
echo $fileWord->url().PHP_EOL;
if($filePDF) {
echo $filePDF->url();
Hooks: How to convert files on upload/replace (asynchronously by default)?
Example 2: gif to webm and mp4
In Kirbys config file add this... then use panel to upload a gif to an image/file section.
function customConvertHook($file) {
if($file->extension() == 'gif') {
'inputformat' => 'gif',
'outputformat' => 'webm',
'save' => true, // keep file at cloud to avoid another download from cloudconvert-server
'inputformat' => 'gif',
'outputformat' => 'mp4',
return [
// ... other config settings
'hooks' => [
'file.create:after' => function($file) {
'file.replace:after' => function($newFile, $oldFile) {
Other Usecases
Example 3: convert ai to svg and optimize
This example shows how to use this plugin with my thumb imageoptim plugin.
$fileSvg = $file->cloudconvert(
'inputformat' => 'ai',
'outputformat' => 'svg',
null, // auto-rename with extension
false // on-demand aka synchonous aka wait
if($fileSvg) {
// NOTE: resize() is called to trigger stuff like optimziers (see thumb-imageoptim plugin)
$fileSvgOptimized = $fileSvg->resize();
echo svg($fileSvgOptimized->root()); // use kirbys svg helper to inline the svg
Example 4: How to convert image files for srcsets? jpg to webp.
This example shows how to use this plugin with my srcset plugin.
config file
return [
// ... other settings
'bnomei.srcset.types' => ['jpg', 'webp'],
'bnomei.srcset.resize' => function (\Kirby\Cms\File $file, int $width, string $type) {
// NOTE: resize() is called to trigger stuff like optimziers (see thumb-imageoptim plugin)
// use jpg to create webp
if($file->extension() == 'jpg' && $type == 'webp') {
$fileWebp = $file->cloudconvert(
'inputformat' => 'jpg',
'outputformat' => 'webp',
null, // auto-rename with extension
false // on-demand aka synchonous aka wait
if($fileWebp) {
return $fileWebp->resize($width);
// otherwise default to returning image
return $file->resize($width);
Global cloudconvert helper function
This plugin provides a helper function to call the cloudconvert api.
$obj = cloudconvert($options); // will change extension but keep path
$obj = cloudconvert($options, $outputPath); // provide different path
$obj = cloudconvert($options, $outputPath, $async); // a/sync
Retrun Values
is one as well and$async == false
- otherwise it returns an instance of
- or
on error
TD;DR Calling File-Method has best performance since it only converts the file if it was modified or is new.
Using Kirby\Cms\File
object for $options['file']
is recommended. In that case the modified timestamp will be checked against a cached value and a conversion triggered only if a file was modified or output does not exist. This is the default behaviour for the FileMethod provided by this plugin.
DANGER: There is no check (yet) if a file is currently processed by cloudconvert. This might be improved at a later point.
When a path is used then file will be created only if ouput does not exist. You need to do modification checks and removing of old files yourself before starting the conversion.
bnomei.cloudconvert. | Default | Description |
apikey | null |
your cloudconvert apikey as string |
convert | callback |
asynchronous or synchronous conversion depending on params. |
async | true |
options | ['input' => 'download'] |
By default this plugin requires the file to be public otherwise use upload here. On localhost upload is used as a default. |
log.enabled | false |
log | callback |
to kirbyLog()
TIP: you can also set a callback if you use the dotenv Plugin
'bnomei.cloudconvert.apikey' => function() { return env('CLOUDCONVERT_APIKEY'); },
TIP: consider setting up presets to manage your settings from within the cloudconvert dashboard instead of the Kirby config file.
This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please create a new issue.
It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.