DAMo - Composer template
Composer template to kickstart Digital Assets Management projects.
This template was based on the following:
Note: These commands have been tested on linux (ubuntu), they might need changes to work on other systems.
Native composer
For the latest version:
composer create-project brainsum/damo-project my-damo-project
For a specific version:
composer create-project brainsum/damo-project:0.1.0 my-damo-project
Composer in docker
For the latest release:
DAMO_PROJECT_DIR=my-damo-project; mkdir "${DAMO_PROJECT_DIR}" && docker run --rm -u "$(id -u)":"$(id -g)" -w /app --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)"/"${DAMO_PROJECT_DIR}",dst=/app wodby/drupal-php:7.3-dev-4.14.3 composer create-project brainsum/damo-project .
For a specific release:
DAMO_PROJECT_DIR=my-damo-project; mkdir "${DAMO_PROJECT_DIR}" && docker run --rm -u "$(id -u)":"$(id -g)" -w /app --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)"/"${DAMO_PROJECT_DIR}",dst=/app wodby/drupal-php:7.3-dev-4.14.3 composer create-project brainsum/damo-project:0.1.0 .
Note: The wodby/drupal-php image is just an example.
Note: Using an image with the hirak/prestissimo
composer package will speed up the process, although it also might break things (see: https://github.com/drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold/issues/101).
(Optional) Docker-compose
If you want to use docker-compose for development, you should copy example.env
as .env
, e.g cp example.env .env
. Update its contents as required.
For starting and stopping the environment you can use the helper scripts provided with the project (startup.sh
and shutdown.sh
). These also look for a docker-compose.local.yml
file so you can version control a generic config file and do local overrides (e.g ports, mounts).
Copy drush/example.drush.yml
as drush/drush.yml
. Update its contents as required.