Scrutiny helps your Laravel 5.1+ project ensure that its current server environment is configured and running as planned.
Have you ever been in the situation where you've moved servers and forgotten to:
- Get your queue running?
- Add the cron job to run your schedule?
- Install an obscure program that your reporting uses once a month?
- Enable a PHP extension that you need for an API?
This is the scenario Scrutiny was built to address – use the availability monitor you have setup (like pingdom) to also monitor other important aspects of your environment.
This means your availability monitor notifies you of any problems with your server environment setup instead of waiting for your clients or customers to tell you something is wrong.
To install through composer, add the following to your composer.json
"require": {
"brightmachine/scrutiny": "~1.0"
And then run composer install
from the terminal.
Quick Installation
The installation instructions can be simplified using the following:
composer require "brightmachine/scrutiny=~1.0"
Add the Service Provider
Open config/app.php
and the scrutiny service provider to :
'providers' => [
// …
You are all setup – next step it to add your probes!
How it works
- In
, configure the probes to check for all the things your environment needs in order to run - Set up an
uptime check
in Pingdom to alert you if any of the probes fail to pass
How to configure the different probes
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
// …
public function register()
protected function configureScrutinyProbes()
->queueIsRunning(30, 'high')
->queueIsRunning(60, 'low')
What probes are available
All probes are added through \Scrutiny\ProbeManager
and calls can be chained:
The following probes are available via \Scrutiny\ProbeManager::configure()
Ensure that you always have space available.
It works by finding the disk related to a given folder and checking its usage.
public availableDiskSpace( number $minPercentage [, string $diskFolder = null ] )
is the minimum amount of disk space that should be available -
the folder used to find the disk. Defaults to the disk storing your laravel app.
If your use-case isn't supported out-of-the-box you can write your own custom probe.
When a probe is checked, 3 outcomes are possible:
Skipped – if a
exception is thrown - Failed – if any other exception is thrown
- Passed – if no exception is thrown
public callback( string $probeName , callable $callback )
the name of the probe used to report the results of the check -
the callback that runs your custom check
Check that you're able to connect to one of your databases configured on config/database.php
public connectsToDatabase([ string $connectionName = null ])
is the name of your database connection fromconfig/database.php
This probe checks that a given URL will return a 2xx response.
NB: Redirects will not be followed – only the first response will be considered.
public connectsToHttp( string $url [, array $params = array(), string $verb = 'GET' ] )
the URL to check, which can contain a username and password, e.g.
an array of URL parameters to add to the request -
This probe will search your path, and your current vendor/bin
looking for a particular executable.
public executableIsInstalled( string $executableName )
the name of the executable to find
Check that a particular PHP extension is loaded.
public phpExtensionLoaded( string $extensionName )
the name of the PHP extension to check
This probe checks that your laravel queue is running.
public queueIsRunning( [ int $maxHandleTime = 300, $queue = null, $connection = null ] )
the maximum time in seconds that you give a job to run on the given queue -
if you run multiple queues on the same connection, this is the name of the queue to check -
if you run multiple connections, this is the one to check as configured inconfig/queue.php
Make sure that the artisan schedule is being run.
public scheduleIsRunning()
Customising the name of your probe
By default, when scrutiny outputs details of your probe (e.g. if it fails, or in the history) it guesses a name based on the configuration setting.
If this default name would output sensitive information, such as API keys, then you'll want to set the name of the probe.
public named( string $identifier )
You override the name by calling ->named()
after you set the probe:
->named(' API');
Customising the executable search path
Certain probes will need to search for a certain executable on disk.
By default, scrutiny will search directories in your $PATH
environment variable
as well as your base_path()
and your vendor/bin
But this isn't always enough.
You can add directories to the path when you configure your probes:
Debugging locally
Your configured probes are rate-limited to 1 check every minute.
This isn't what you want when first setting up your probes, so
to bypass this locally set DEBUG=true
in your .env
Artisan command
Run php artisan scrutiny:check-probes
to check if your probes are passing.
This command is not rate-limited, so it's a good way to test immediately after making a change, or even as part of a deployment process.
The command will return 0
on success and 1
on failure.
How to configure pingdom
Configure a new check in pingdom with the following setting:
- Add an
uptime check
in pingdom to hit
where is your production domain - Scrutiny will return an HTTP status of
590 Some Tests Failed
when something is awry – this is a custom code
Any contribution is received with humility and gratitude.
Thank you if you're considering contributing an improvement to this project.
- Fork, change, create pull-request
- Tell us why/how your PR will benefit the project
- We may ask you for clarification, but we'll quickly let you know whether or not it's likely your change will be merged