TYPO3 user_customer
This extension serves as a base to customize a TYPO3-website using the template pizpalue.
When starting a new project create a new git-branch and just commit to that branch. The master branch should always be used to start new projects.
To increase quality work progress might be committed and documented. Documentation has its home in the folder
. A changelog can be created with the following steps:
- In a shell go to the
directory - Run
npm install
(only needed, if not already done) - Run
grunt doc
TypoScript (TS)
Customizations typically start by adapting the ts constants and
ts setup. Frequently used configurations are collected
in the folder Configuration/TypoScript/Default
. You might use them to get started
by copying the needed fragments to
. The inclusion from the default
) might be deleted.
Style declarations are maintained in the folder Resources/Public/Scss
. For stylesheets to be
embedded TS needs to be setup. See page.includeCSS
for further details.
Icon font
It might become handy to create a customized icon font. Ideally it contains all used icons from the website. To generate an icon font the icons need to be available in svg-format. Unfortunately not all svg-formats lead to the desired result hence some testing might be needed. An icon font might be created by following these steps:
- Copy all svg-icons to the folder
- In a shell go to the
directory - Run
npm install
(only needed, if not already done) - Run
grunt iconfont
Upon creating the icon font its resources can be found in Resources/Public/Fonts
. Next the font needs to be embedded
with the following TS setup:
page {
includeCSSLibs {
pizpalueicon >
ucicon = EXT:user_customer/Resources/Public/Fonts/ucicon.min.css
ucicon {
fontLoader {
families {
0 = UcIcon
enabled = 1
Now your ready to use the icon font in the markup: <i class="ucicon ucicon-custom1"></i>
would render an icon showing
the graphic defined by custom1.svg
They are maintained in Resources/Private
. As an example to add a new page template follow these
- Create the template in the directory
- Enable the template in the TS constant declaration
user_customer {
page.fluidtemplate {
templateRootPath = EXT:user_customer/Resources/Private/Templates/Page/
Coding guidelines
- Use the coding guidelines defined by TYPO3.
- Use uc, Uc, uc- as package related prefixes
Frequently used
For coding
- TypoScript reference
- Fluid guide
- Fluid view helper reference
- VHS view helper reference
- TCA reference
- TSconfig reference
- Core API reference
For documentation