Notifier is a laravel library that helps you to popup notifications to your registered users.
1- Jquery
How to install ?
- Composer:
composer require carkii/notifier
configaration (provider & alias)
in config\app.php
, add notifier service provider :
'providers' => [
other providers
and add aliase to same file:
'aliases' => [
other aliases
'Notifier' => Carkii\Notifier\facades\Notifier::class,
publish the required files by typing php artisan vendor:publish
in terminal.
This will add the following to your project:
1- /config/notifier.php
2- /resources/views/notifications/_cardExample.blade.php
3- /resources/views/notifications/_ModalExample.blade.php
4- /public/css/notifications.css
5- /public/js/notifications.js
migrate in your terminal, type : php artisan migrate
Note: this library supposed that you already migrated the users table under users
name in your database.
add CSRF_token
add CSRF_token to your head tag, add: php <meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">
to your tag in html
How to use?
1- Modal (popup)
1- login in to your website
2- add the following at the end of your page (default: app.blade.php):
{!! Notifier::break(0,30,0)->get()->first() !!}
{!! Notifier::addStylesAndScriptes() !!}
3- remove the first underscore (_) from /resources/views/notifications/_ModalExample.blade.php
to be as /resources/views/notifications/ModalExample.blade.php
. (this example is using bootstrap)
- break($days,$hours,$minutes) is used to add a break time between notifications.
- the first underscore of your notification file tells Notifier to ignore this file.
- All of your notifications are located in ```/resources/views/notifications/```, each notification in each file (blade template) So, whenever you add a file to this folder, it means you are adding a new notification to your list.
4- visit your website :)
2- Card (list of notifications)
1- login in to your website
2- add the following to your page (default: app.blade.php, recommended in navbar):
// get list of notifications and diaply them as a list
// navbar
<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse">
<li class="dropdown">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="badge background-myred notifications-counter">{{Notifier::count()}}</span>
<i class="fa fa-bell" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
@foreach(Notifier::get() AS $notification )
<li>{!! $notification !!}</li>
<li class='text-center' >No Notifications</li>
//end of navbar
//end of your page's body
{!! Notifier::addStylesAndScriptes() !!}
3- remove the first underscore (_) from /resources/views/notifications/_CardExample.blade.php
to be as /resources/views/notifications/CardExample.blade.php
. (this example is using bootstrap)
4- visit your website :)