CourseLib Git component
This is a component for the CourseLib library that makes it possible to monitor team activity in a GitLab repository. It pulls statistics on team members and all commit activity, providing a way to objectively measure the contributions of individual team members.
This is a work in progress
composer require cl/git
$git = new \CL\Git\Git($site, $teamId);
$git->set_account("", "cse335", "accesstoken");
$git->set_url_submission("project1", "git");
$ret = $git->connect();
if($ret !== null) {
// Display error message
echo $ret;
} else {
// Display results
echo $git->present_team();
echo $git->present_commits();
Copyright 2016-2018 Michigan State University
CourseLib is released under the MIT license.
Written and maintained by Charles B. Owen