
Code Inc.'s GUI library



PSR-7 & PSR-15 router library

This library provides a PSR-7 and PSR-15 compatible router. The router is a component in charge or selecting the appropriate controller (implementing ControllerInterface). It behaves as a PSR-15 middleware (MiddlewareInterface).


In order to select a controller, the router relies on a resolver (implementing ResolverInterface). Resolvers are in charge of matching a URI path (called a route) to a controller and vice versa, mapping a controller to a route. Two resolvers are provided, StaticResolver which uses a list of preset patterns (shell patterns resolved by fnmatch()) matching handler's classes and DynamicResolver which dynamically calculates the routes of namespaces base on a PHP namespace and a base URI. You can pair multiple resolvers using ResolverAggregator. External packages provides resolvers based on Doctrine's annotations or on interfaces.


Basic usage

use CodeInc\Router\Router;
use CodeInc\Router\ControllerInterface;
use CodeInc\Router\Resolvers\StaticResolver;

// dummy classes 
final class MyInstantiator implements ControllerInterface {}
final class HomePage implements ControllerInterface {}
final class License implements ControllerInterface {}
final class Article implements ControllerInterface {}

// instantiating the router
$myRouter = new Router(
    new StaticResolver([
        '/' => HomePage::class,
        '/license.txt' => License::class,
        '/article-[0-9]/*' => Article::class

// controller lookup (assuming the URI of the request is "/article-2456/a-great-article.html") 
$myRouter->process($aPsr7ServerRequest, $aFallbackHandler); // <-- returns 'ArticleController'

Working with multiple resolvers and multiple instantiators

use CodeInc\Router\Router;
use CodeInc\Router\ControllerInterface;
use Doctrine\Instantiator\InstantiatorInterface;
use CodeInc\Router\Resolvers\ResolverAggregator;
use CodeInc\Router\Resolvers\StaticResolver;
use CodeInc\Router\Resolvers\DynamicResolver;

// dummy classes 
final class MyFirstInstantiator implements InstantiatorInterface {}
final class MySecondInstantiator implements InstantiatorInterface {}
final class HomePage implements ControllerInterface {}
final class License implements ControllerInterface {}
final class Article implements ControllerInterface {}

// instantiating the router
$myRouter = new Router(
    new ResolverAggregator([
        new StaticResolver([
            '/' => HomePage::class,
            '/license.txt' => License::class,
            '/article-[0-9]/*' => Article::class
        new DynamicResolver(
            'MyApp\\MyHandlers', // <-- handlers base namespace
            '/my-app/' // <-- handlers base URI

// processing the response
$myRouter->process($aPsr7ServerRequest, $aFallbackHandler); 


This library is available through Packagist and can be installed using Composer:

composer require codeinc/router


This library is published under the MIT license (see the LICENSE file).