Session manager
This library is a simple session management service written in PHP 7. The library is compatible with PSR-15 and PSR-7. It provides a PSR-15 middleware to attach the session manager to the PSR-7 request object as an attribute.
Saving and writting the session goes through a session handler implementing HandlerInterface
use CodeInc\SessionManager\SessionManager;
// the session manager need a session handler to start
$sessionManager = new SessionManager(
new MySessionHandler() // any handler implementing HandlerInterface
$sessionManager->setExpire(30); // minutes
$session = $sessionManager->start($psr7ServerRequest); // the PSR-7 server request
// SessionManager implement ArrayAccess
$session["test"] = "Hello wold!";
echo $session["test"];
// SessionManager is also iterable
foreach ($session as $var => $value) {
echo "$var = $value\n";
A PSR-15 middleware SessionMiddleware
is provided to attach to session manager to the request object and to send out the session cookie by attaching them to the PSR-7 response. The cookie is only attached to text/html
use CodeInc\SessionManager\SessionManager;
use CodeInc\SessionManager\SessionMiddleware;
// the middleware needs the session manager
$sessionManager = new SessionManager(new MySessionHandler());
// instantiating the middleware and processing the PSR-7 request, producing a PSR-7 response
// the middleware will take car of starting the session and will attache the session
// data to the PSR-7 request attributes.
$middleware = new SessionMiddleware($sessionManager);
$psr7Response = $middleware->process(
Withing a controller or another middleware you and access the session data from the PSR-7 request attributes using:
use CodeInc\SessionManager\SessionMiddleware;
$session = SessionMiddleware::getSession($psr7ServerRequest);
$session["user_name"] = "John Smith";
echo $session["user_name"];
This library is available through Packagist and can be installed using Composer:
composer require codeinc/session-manager
This library is published under the MIT license (see the LICENSE file).