
Project template for Drupal 8 projects with composer, also Pantheon; from Cornell University CIT-CD.



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Drupal 8 + Composer "starter-kit"

(...and CircleCI, and Pantheon, and...)

Skip to Pantheon + GH + CircleCI Instructions

This project is a Drupal 8 codebase based on drupal-composer/drupal-project, drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold, pantheon-systems/example-drops-8-composer, plus the changes I had to make to be able to upgrade to the 4.x branch of Drupal 8 -- a process that wasn't super easy, b/c of some gaps in my knowledge, and oh btw the 4.x branch relies on a newer major version of Symfony :D FWIW, this d.o thread was extremely helpful for me: (Drush 8.x doesn't install Drupal 8.4.x and Drush master doesn't install Drupal 8.3.x)

IMPORTANT: This is a starter kit, there's no connection between this starter-kit and child sites post-install. Think of it like you would think of an install profile in D7, rather than a distribution in D7. (Except this is D8...)
@todo: say more things here...

CU Bear distro packages:

Note: This distro uses the Bootstrap-based custom theme cwd_base_bootstrap, and the custom admin theme cwd_admin. Please take care in updating these theme packages on "child sites" built from this starter kit.

@todo: mention possible "Ivy" distro

@todo: table of contents for this README

What's inside

  • drupal-composer/drupal-project (
  • upgraded Drupal core to 8.4.x
    • which included changes to composer.json from the regular drupal-composer/drupal-project
      • ps this was somewhat of a nightmare -- apparently 8.4.x requires a newer major version of symfony, and that caused all sorts of pain...
      • this thread was one of my main resources:
  • custom theme packages (included via composer)
  • added some of the pantheon files from pantheon-systems/example-drops-8-composer
  • added all config from our working demo site (omitted link)
    • (if you work with me, ping me and I'll give you the site UUID for importing the config)
  • @todo: add a few more details from what's on confluence (i.e. ctypes)

See also

Refer to the drupal-composer/drupal-project and drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold README docs for more info about those projects, and how to use them (and therefore how to use this project).

Refer to the pantheon-systems/terminus-build-tools-plugin README for more info about using terminus build:project:create (below) and other build funtionality.


Skip to Fancypants Pantheon + GH + CircleCI

NOTE: For best results, regardless of which instructions you use, make sure your Drush version is updated to the latest stable 8.x version. Also, a global install will make your life easier, but it isn't required. Drush install/upgrade instructions

Simple, LOCAL-ONLY site

  1. git clone ajm-cubear-vanilla
  2. cd ajm-cubear-vanilla
  3. composer install
  4. Then install drupal using the config_installer install profile (via UI, or drush).

That's it! :) Enjoy your new Drupal 8.4.x + composer site!

For a Pantheon site

(i.e. on Pantheon but without the GH/CircleCI jazz)

These instructions are similar to "Basic," but unfinished :) @todo: Basically, create an empty pantheon site, clone the repo down, completely replace the code with the code from THIS repo, run composer install, update .gitignore so you can commit all those composer-generated artifacts to the repo, push back to pantheon, and then proceed with the process above -- using terminus drush commands, and skipping the "cd" commands of course; probably will need to wipe the database that was created by the Pantheon "drops 8" install, before anything else; may need to edit the "upstream" setting for the site from drops-8 to empty. (If necessary, add back in the site UUID manipulation steps that used to be in the "Basic" instructions.)


The vvanilla branch is a much plainer codebase -- no config or Pantheon files -- see my commit #7d4a62e message for more info.

Pantheon + GH + CircleCI instructions

(aka "Fancypants")


IMPORTANT: When you're done, do NOT make changes/commits to your new site codebase from the GH interface -- there's a .gitignore thing from the Pantheon template, that's totally on-purpose, but it means that files will be lost if you commit in GH, so we might need to undo that, idk yet.

Other heads-ups:

  • You'll be prompted for GitHub and CircleCI personal access tokens, but the prompts have documentation links, so just follow those as you go along.
  • You'll also be prompted for a password for "user 1" on the new site you're about to create; personally, I leave it blank and use drush user-login after installation, i.e.
    terminus drush -- uli
    • "user 1" username will be "admin."
  • IMPORTANT: While most of the build takes care of itself, toward the end you'll get two "authenticity of host can't be established" prompts -- make sure you type "yes"!!

The actual instructions!

  1. Run terminus build:project:create with the applicable options -- my command looks like this:
    terminus build:project:create --team="cornell-university-cornell-information-technologies" --org="CU-CommunityApps" --admin-email="" cubear-starter-kit ajm-cubear-vanilla
    1. Full documentation is over in the terminus-build-tools-plugin README, but briefly: --org is to set the child site's GitHub repo to be owned by an org (if you leave the option off, it will be owned by your personal GitHub account -- you can always transfer ownership to later), --admin-email is the email to use for Drupal user 1 (defaults to your personal GitHub account email), cubear-starter-kit is the shortcut we set during "Prerequisites" above, and ajm-cubear-vanilla is the name of my new Pantheon site and GitHub repo.
  2. Now, clone the repo FROM github to your local, do work locally, and push changes back up to github -- that will trigger CircleCI builds, and eventual merging of changes into "dev" on Pantheon.
    1. OR, better, yet, create a new branch locally and use a Pull Request workflow :)

Next steps: Your "child site"

This info applies to a child site created via Fancypants instructions. (@todo: finish this...)

Clone your child site GitHub repo:
git clone * You'll need to have set up an SSH key situation with your local machine + GitHub -- if you haven't, either do that now, or use the HTTPS method for cloning the repo instead:
git clone

  • Do all code changes in here!!
  • Ideally, create branches for each set of changes you make, then create pull requests within the GitHub GUI to merge those changes into master.
  • CircleCI will create builds any time there's a new branch, and whenever you create a pull request.
    • (@todo: does it create a build when you commit changes to an existing branch / add to an existing PR? -- 20180322: yes)
  • Remember, the starter-kit is just a starter-kit -- you are responsible for updating modules/core/other packages used by your project.
    • Run composer install from the root directory of your project. (@todo: link to composer- and composer-plus-drupal-related documentation...)
    • Run drush commands one level down, in web.
  • Use composer to get theme updates, just like you would with contrib modules. (i.e. change the version spec for cwd_base_bootstrap and cwd_admin when a new version is released)
  • Then, use a branch + pull request workflow to make changes to the codebase...
    • Similar to pull request workflow below, for demo site, but not the same b/c child sites should not be kept in sync with the starter-kit.
    • (@todo add more info...)


  • Optionally, update the README in your new site repo with the CircleCI badge, so that it's easier to get from your repo to that project's CircleCI things (for some reason the badge isn't getting automatically added right now). You can get the "status badge" embed code by going to your project on CircleCI (example) > settings gear at top-right > "status badge" in left sidebar menu.
  • Check your "Basic site settings" (admin/config/system/site-information) and Update Manager settings (admin/reports/updates/settings).
  • Add Google Analytics
    • Google Analytics Lite -- one setting: GA tracking ID. @todo: find out if this lite module lets you exclude authenticated users -- probably not, but worth checking
      • Most likely 100% fine if you're going to do all your data analysis in the GA interface anyway.
    • Google Analytics -- more features/settings
  • Add a non-administrator user role!! (Even if it's just an "almost everything but protected from really dangerous stuff" role.) @todo: new role is planned for starter-kit config; when done, remove this instruction...
  • Enable and configure SSO @todo: instructions :)
  • In Pantheon dashboard...

    • Configure redis (enable the add-on in Pantheon, update settings.php, enable the Drupal module [enabling module via Drupal site, NOT dashboard])
    • Enable NewRelic.
    • Enable daily/weekly backups in Pantheon (if service level allows).
    • Update "service level" to Personal or Professional or whatever, in Pantheon (if applicable). @todo: link to Pantheon service request form thing that's on IT@C... (for requesting the professional service)


@todo: more instructions for updating/contributing to this starter kit? (beyond the PR workflow below)
@todo: mention possible "Ivy" distro

Pull request workflow

(Open to suggestions!)

  1. Fork this repo to your own account, i.e. alisonjo2786/cubear-starter-kit.
  2. Clone your fork locally. DO NOT make commits in the GitHub UI (b/c .gitignore things).
  3. Add and rename remotes...
    1. git rename origin ajmfork
      1. Maybe run git remote -v first, to confirm the name of your repo fork remote (in case it isn't "origin").
    2. git remote add cu-community-repo
  4. Make sure you're up to date with all the latest things:
    git remote update
  5. Create a new branch where you'll do your work, from the main repo:
    git checkout -b news-date-field cu-community-repo/master
  6. Work.
  7. Commit changes.
  8. Check the main repo in case other changes have been committed in the meantime -- if changes have been committed in the meantime, rebase your copy of the repo with those changes:
    git remote update
    git rebase cu-community-repo/master <-- Grabs commits from the main repo, inserts them into your branch, and sticks your local commit(s) on the end.
  9. Push branch up to your fork -- so now, alisonjo2786/cubear-starter-kit has a branch called news-date-field:
    git push ajmfork
  10. In GitHub, go to the branch on your fork, and start a pull request.
    "Your recently pushed branches" > "Compare & pull request"
    1. Check the two branches that GitHub is presenting to you -- the desired setup is for "base fork" to be the main repo ("CU-CommunityApps/cubear-starter-kit" > "master"), and for the "head fork" to be your fork ("alisonjo2786/cubear-starter-kit" > "news-date-field").
    2. Add whatever description/comment.
    3. Submit the PR.
  11. @todo: determine and describe code review and approval process...
  12. If you have permission to update/commit to the main repo, technically you can merge the PR into the main repo, but proper devops is for someone other than you to review and merge.

Update the demo site

(Open to suggestions!) Unlike other "child sites," it's important to keep the demo site up to date with the starter-kit! The demo site is called "gold-bear" -- more information and links are on the GH repo.

  1. Clone the gold-bear repo: (see above re: "SSH key situation")
    git clone
  2. Go to your local copy of gold-bear repo.
  3. One-time (initial setup) -- you need a branch off to the side that tracks the starter-kit repo.
    1. Add a secondary remote to the main cubear-starter-kit repo:
      git remote add cubear-starter-kit
    2. Create a branch that tracks cubear-starter-kit > master:
      git checkout -b sk-master --track cubear-starter-kit/master
  4. Go to branch that tracks the starter-kit repo:
    git checkout sk-master
  5. Pull from the main repo to this branch:
    git pull cubear-starter-kit (this definitely works, I just don't remember if there's a better way)
  6. Check the commits that come in -- like, browse the whole log, or look for the commit(s) you know you want to add to the demo site. Make note of the commit sha/hash details that you need.
    git log
  7. Go back to master and create a new branch for the changes (yep, another PR coming! get excited!):
    git checkout -b coffee-update
  8. Cherry pick the commits from the starter-kit tracking branch (sk-master) -- personally, I prefer to use -x for cherry-picks, i.e.
    git cherry-pick -x a1s2d3f4g5h6jcommithash
  9. Push the branch up to the gold-bear repo, create a pull request, do pull request things.
    1. Keep an eye on CircleCI -- it will do a build for the new branch, and the PR, and when the PR is merged into master.
    2. When the process is done, the commits in the PR will have been merged into dev/master on Pantheon, too -- then you can drush cim or whatever.
      1. If it's just composer updates that are needed, those will be handled by the build tools stuff that Pantheon does.
  10. Clean up the branch (coffee-update) in the GitHub GUI, and locally:
    git branch -D coffee-update
    git remote prune origin

git remote config tips

  • Rename your remotes to minimize confusion, i.e.
  • If you're updating the gold-bear demo site, too, add a secondary remote to your local copy of that repo, and an extra branch that tracks the starter-kit repo, so you can pull down starter-kit code updates and then grab applicable commits as needed. In other words:

config installer thing

@todo add "re-export configuration from demo site" to contribution instructions, somewhere.