A Symfony 2 bundle for integration of Dende/Calendar component
install via composer
composer require dende/calendar-bundle
enable bundle in AppKernel
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
return array(
new Dende\CalendarBundle\DendeCalendarBundle(),
- Install and enable stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle for calendar entities (also add gedmo: ~ config to entity mapping!)
creating test database in mysql:
mysql -u user -ppassword -e "CREATE DATABASE `calendar_bundle_test`;"
creating schema:
cd calendar-bundle/
./console doctrine:schema:create
loading test fixtures:
cd calendar-bundle/
./console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures="Tests/DataFixtures/Standard"
resetting db:
cd calendar-bundle/
install assets:
./ assets:install Tests/app
running localhost server:
cd calendar-bundle/
php -S localhost:8080 -t Tests/app/
visiting page of calendar (example):
todo list
- doctrine entity mapping
- configured test application (Tests/app)
REST/HATEOAS api for frontend (entry point: /api/calendar/)
- tests
- GET methods
- filtering by date, weeks, calendar, event
- POST methods
- PUT methods
- forms
- php wrapper for fullcalendar configuration
- automatically registering view entity manager
- automatically adding mapping for default entity manager
- autoconfiguration (as less instalation needed and configuring as needed)
- registering application services
- utilize some datetimepicker for event forms
- frontend view based on javascript library
- using sql/mongo by switching it in bundle config
- printing/saving to pdf
- full documentation
- filtering in view by calendars
- validation
- dispatching proper events on actions
- moving event occurrence up/down and to other days
- adding new event from frontend creates only single occurrence
- there could be multiple calendars
- calendar can have a multiple events
- event can have multiple occurrences of event
- if event is serial type (e.g. WEEKLY) it's occurrences can be updated:
- singularily without changing event or other occurrences
- as a whole with all his occurrences
- one occurrence of serial event can be deleted or updated independently without affecting others
- if serial occurrences are changed globally, they affect event, but don't affect occurrences changed/deleted in the past
- when deleting event, all the occurrences are deleted
- when deleting calendar, all it's events are deleted
- event without occurrences is deleted
- calendar without events can not be deleted
- occurrences can be copied/moved to other event
- events can be copied/moved to other calendar