
A service container for humans

container, containerinterface, dependency-injection, dependency-injection-container, php, psr-11, service, service-container


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Injector is a dependency injection container.
It's fast, reliable and easy to understand.


$ composer require devtronic/injector


Register Services

To register a service you have to call the register-method.

ServiceContainer::register($name, $service, $arguments = [])
Parameter Description Example
name The unique name of the service. app.my_service
service The service callable. function($arg1) {}
arguments The arguments for the service. Entries with @-prefix are service references ['', 1]

Register a service with static arguments

Since not all services need an service injection, the arguments array also supports static entries.


use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

$serviceContainer->register('app.my_service', function ($name) {
  return 'Hello ' . $name;
}, ['Your Name']);

$serviceContainer->getRegisteredServices(); // Contains the registered Service 

Register a service with a service dependency

Sometimes you need another registered service in your service. In that case you can pass the service name with a @-prefix to reference to it. The (sub-) dependencies are solved recursively.


use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

$serviceContainer->register('app.another_service', function () {
    return [
        'name' => 'injector',
        'developer' => 'Julian',

$serviceContainer->register('app.my_service', function (array $anotherService) {
    return "Name: {$anotherService['name']}, developer: {$anotherService['developer']}";
}, ['@app.another_service']);

Register a class as a service

You can also register a class as a service. If the service is loaded, the constructor gets called with the dependencies.


use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

class Car
    /** @var int */
    public $maxSpeed = 0;

    /** @var string */
    public $color = '';

    public function __construct($maxSpeed, $color)
        $this->maxSpeed = $maxSpeed;
        $this->color = $color;

$serviceContainer->register('app.my_car', Car::class, [250, 'red']);

$myCar = $serviceContainer->get('app.my_car');
echo "My Car: Speed: {$myCar->maxSpeed}, Color: {$myCar->color}"; // My Car: Speed: 250, Color: red

Load a service

To load a service you have to call the loadService-method.
Once a service is loaded, it remains in memory at runtime. When the same service is loaded again, the first instance is returned.

Parameter Description Example
name The unique name of the service. app.my_service

use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

$serviceContainer->register('app.another_service', function () {
    return [
        'name' => 'injector',
        'developer' => 'Julian',

$serviceContainer->register('app.my_service', function (array $anotherService) {
    return "Name: {$anotherService['name']}, developer: {$anotherService['developer']}";
}, ['@app.another_service']);

echo $serviceContainer->get('app.my_service'); // Name: injector, developer: Julian

Add Parameters

The service container also supports static parameters.
You can add a parameter using the addParameter-method

Parameter Description Example
name The unique name of the parameter.

To pass a parameter to a service, add before and after the name a '%': %name.of.the.parameter%


use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

$serviceContainer->addParameter('', 'localhost');
$serviceContainer->register('my.service', function ($hostname) {
    return 'Connecting to ' . $hostname;
}, ['']);


$ phpunit


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