🌐 🔀 📰 Web Article Formatter
The web article formatter can extract and convert an article from a webpage into a number of other formats, including PDF, markdown, JSON, plain text and more.
You can install Web Article Formatter via Composer. Just run the following command.
composer require divineomega/web-article-formatter
To retrieve a web page article and convert it into a different format, first create a new WebArticleFormatter
passing it the URL of the web page. Then, simply call the formatter's get
method, passing it a valid format constant.
A list of all format constants can be found in the Format
$formatter = new WebArticleFormatter($url);
echo $formatter->get(Format::PLAINTEXT);
echo $formatter->get(Format::MARKDOWN);
echo $formatter->get(Format::HTML);
echo $formatter->get(Format::JSON);
file_put_contents('article.pdf', $formatter->get(Format::PDF));