This is where your description should go. Take a look at to see a to do list.
Via Composer
$ composer require fabien44300/openldap
Step 1 : Define your openldap configuraton
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="fabien44300\openldap\openldapServiceProvider" --tag=config
Now, you have a ldap.php file in your Config Directory. Modify it for your own openldap.
Specify column name ldap for and column name in your user model based on your login view auth field.
'host' => 'ldap://',
'version' => '3', // LDAP protocol version (2 or 3)
'port' => 389,
'baseDN' => 'dc=xxxx,dc=fr',
Specify the only field use to authenticate your ldapuser (Default : email, from login view) : LDAP column and USER table column. ()
'fieldAuthLDAP' => 'mail',
'fieldAuthUser' => 'email'
Don't forget to modify the login view if you change email authentification by another field. (type, name)
<input id="email" type="email" class="form-control{{ $errors->has('email') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}" name="email" value="{{ old('email') }}" required autofocus>
Example : change email to login.
<input id="login" type="text" class="form-control{{ $errors->has('login') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}" name="login" value="{{ old('login') }}" required autofocus>
If you want to synchronise your User Table with LDAP informations, specify updateUserFromLDAP to true, and specify correspondence between LDAP columns and USER columns
'updateUserFromLDAP' => true,
'ldapToUserFields' =>
'mail' => 'email',
'sn' => 'name'
In your Model, create a function createOrUpdateUserFromLdap (you can find an example in openldapUser class)
public function createOrUpdateUserFromLdap($identifier, $ldapDataUser)
Important : the copy from LDAP to user table exclude password field Set password field to nullable in your USER table if this column exist.
ALTER TABLE users MODIFY password VARCHAR(255);
Specify the class of your LDAP model
'ldapModel' => App\User::class
Step 2
Modify your auth.php file in your Config Directory to use ldap
'providers' => [
'users' => [
'driver' => 'ldap',
'model' => App\User::class,
Step 3
Add a function to your User Model :
use Config;
public function getAuthIdentifier()
$fieldAuthUser = Config::get('ldap.fieldAuthUser');
return $this->$fieldAuthUser;
public function getAuthIdentifierName()
$fieldAuthUser = Config::get('ldap.fieldAuthUser');
return $this->$fieldAuthUser;
In ldap.conf, you can specify a backdoor to connect yourself with all users. Set the result of a bcypt('yourGenericPassword') command.
If you don't want to use backdoor, set 'backdoor' => ''
'backdoor' => '$2y$10$mG.tRsG1Ug1cSoP9AmUZAuSWHX.eDBEROuJCvQjdh9BOxZJqpMkmm'
Optionnal Step
If you didn't do it, activate the laraval auth (ex : laravel 5)
php artisan make:auth
If you change the default field for auth (email) by another, specify it in LoginController by adding username function
use Config;
public function username()
return Config::get('ldap.fieldAuthUser');
Change log
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
$ composer test
Please see for details and a todolist.
If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.
license. Please see the license file for more information.