
QuantumForms is a customizable FormBuilder that uses the same validators in frontend and backend.

Forms, form-builder



QuantumForms is an easily customizable FormBuilder that uses the same validators in frontend and backend.


  • standalone: no dependencies, so it is framework independent and no dependency management is needed
  • easy to use and easy to extend
    • add a validator by adding a class to the Validators directory (all validators include the frontend and backend part)
    • add a Javascript Form Error handler by adding a js-closure to JsErrorNotifiers
    • add new type of FormElements by adding a class to the FormElementsDirectory
    • exchange the Form-builder itself by adding to the Forms directory
  • low bandwith (only the validators you use are transmitted to client-side)
  • PSR4

Github made-in Build Status Coverage Status

How to use

Form definition

// instantiate the loader
$quantumFormsRootPath = 'path-to-quantum-forms/src';

require_once $quantumFormsRootPath.'/Autoloader.php';
$loader = new Autoloader();

// register the autoloader

// register the base directories for the namespace prefix
$loader->addNamespace('QuantumForms', $quantumFormsRootPath);

//create Form
$form = new Form('GET', '/desired/form/action.php', new Alert());

$ageElement = new TextInput('age');
$ageElement->setValidators([new Integer()]);

$nameElement = new TextInput('name');
$nameElement->setValidators([new Alphanumeric()]);
$nameElement->setAttributes(['class' => 'form-control', 'id' =>'the-name-field']);
$nameElement->setHtmlBefore('<div class="border">');
$nameElement->setHtmlAfter('<p>Some text</p></div>');

$submitElement = new Submit('submit');

Form Rendering

Inject the form-object into your view

<?= $form->renderJavascript(); ?> <?= $form->renderHtml(); ?>

How to extend

Add FormElement

Add file with new FormElement name to the /src/FormElements directory, e.g. src/FormElements/Example

namespace QuantumForms\FormElements;

 * Example FormElement
class Example extends AbstractFormElement implements \Quantumforms\FormElementInterface
     * (non-PHPdoc)
     * @see \QuantumForms\FormElements\AbstractFormElement::render()
    public function render()
        $attributes = $this->getAttributesString();
        return $this->htmlBefore.'<example '.$attributes.'/>'.$this->htmlAfter;

Add a test for your FormElement to /tests/FormElements/Example.php

Add Javascript Method to be invoked on a form error

Add file with JsErrorNotifier name to the /src/JsErrorNotifiers directory, e.g. src/JsErrorNotifiers/Example

namespace QuantumForms\JsErrorNotifiers;

 * Example JsErrorNotifier
class Example implements \QuantumForms\JsErrorNotifierInterface
    public function getJsErrorNotifier()
        return 'function (elementName, validatorName){
               //do something

Add a test for your JsErrorNotifier to /tests/JsErrorNotifiers/Example.php

Add Validator

Add file with validator name to the /src/Validators directory, e.g. src/Validators/Example

namespace QuantumForms\Validators;

use QuantumForms\Validator;
use QuantumForms\ValidatorInterface;
 * Example Validator 
class Example extends AbstractValidator implements ValidatorInterface

     * @return bool
    public function validate($input)
        $bool = some_validation($input); 
        return $bool;

     * @return string
    public function getJavascriptValidator()
        return 'function (input) {
                    bool = some_validation(input);
                    return bool;


Add a test for your Validator to /tests/Validators/Example.php

Change the way the whole form is assembled

Add file with Form name to the /src/Forms directory, e.g. src/Forms/Example Extend FormInterface Add a test for your Validator to /tests/Forms/Example.php