
Craft CMS Bootstrap

bootstrap, yii, Craft, craft3, craftcms, dotenv


Craft CMS Bootstrap

Boot by Ben Davis from the Noun Project

What it does

Reduces boilerplate for bootstrapping and configuration by abstracting common tasks to a simple api. Used by Fusionary's Craft CMS Boilerplate.


e.g @webroot/index.php

  • Reduces your app bootstrap boilerplate code to a single chainable statement.
    • This is especially helpful for achieving consistency when dealing with multiple access points (e.g. multi-site, console app)
  • Sets PHP constants, with sensible fallbacks.
  • Gracefully loads .env file environment variables.

Configuration files

e.g. @root/config/general.php or any configuration files

  • Retrieves environment variables with fallbacks and content-aware type conversion. For example:
    • export MY_BOOL=truebool
    • export MY_INT=3int
  • Provides access to HTTP request headers (via yii\web\Request), should your configuration rely on it.
  • Provides method to map your entire config to any matching/prefixed environment variables.
    • For example, $config['allowAutoUpdates'] will match CRAFT_ALLOW_AUTO_UPDATES from environment


"php": ">=7.1.0",
"craftcms/cms": "^3.0.0-RC1",


composer require fusionary/craftcms-bootstrap

API Documentation

Class Reference / API Documentation


Web app

e.g. @root/public/index.php

require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Multi-site web app

e.g. @root/public/site-handle/index.php

require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    ->setDepth(2) // Set the depth of this script from your project root (`CRAFT_BASE_PATH`) to determine paths
    ->setSite('site-handle') // If the containing folder matches the site handle, you could dynamically set this with `basename(__DIR__)`

Console app

e.g. @root/craft

require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
exit(Bootstrap::run('console')->setDepth(0)->run()); // Override the default depth of 1, since this script is in `@root`.

Environment variable mapping

Passing your config through Config::mapMultiEnvConfig or Config::mapConfig will map all settings to corresponding environment variables (if they exist).

Settings are converted from their Craft/PHP versions (camel-case) to their environment variable versions (all-caps, snake-case, prefixed — e.g. CRAFT_, DB_).

General config

e.g. @root/config/general.php

// Example environment:

use fusionary\craftcms\bootstrap\helpers\Config;

return Config::mapMultiEnvConfig([
    '*' => [
        'allowAutoUpdates' => true,
        'someOtherSetting' => 'foo',

        // Example: get HTTP header from request
        'devServerProxy' => Config::getHeader('x-dev-server-proxy') ?? false,
    'production' => [
        'allowAutoUpdates' => false,

// Result:
// return [
//  '*' => [
//    'allowAutoUpdates' => true,
//    'someOtherSetting' => 'foo'
//  ],
//  'production' => [
//    'allowAutoUpdates' => true
//  ]
// ];

Database config

e.g. @root/config/db.php

// Example environment:
// export DB_DRIVER=mysql
// export DB_SERVER=mysql
// export DB_USER=my_app_user
// export DB_PASSWORD=secret
// export DB_DATABASE=my_app_production
// export DB_SCHEMA=public

use fusionary\craftcms\bootstrap\helpers\Config;

// Pass prefix as 2nd argument, defaults to 'CRAFT_'
return Config::mapConfig([
  'driver' => null,
  'server' => null,
  'user' => null,
  'password' => null,
  'database' => null,
  'schema' => null,
], 'DB_');

// Result:
// return [
//   'driver' => 'mysql',
//   'server' => 'mysql',
//   'user' => 'my_app_user',
//   'password' => 'secret',
//   'database' => 'my_app_production',
//   'schema' => 'public',
// ]

Generate documentation

composer run-script build-docs


"Boot" icon by Ben Davis from The Noun Project