An array utility library.

array, php, utility



FyreArray is a free, open-source array manipulation library for PHP.

Table Of Contents


Using Composer

composer require fyre/array


use Fyre\Utility\Arr;



Split an array into chunks.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $size is a number representing the size of each chunk.
  • $preserveKeys is a boolean indicating whether the array keys will be preserved, and will default to false.
$chunk = Arr::chunk($array, $size, $preserveKeys);


Recursively replace elements into the first array.

  • $array is the input array.

All arguments supplied to this method will be replace into the first array.

$collapsed = Arr::collapse($array, ...$replacements);


Get the values from a single column in the input array.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $key is the column to pull values from.
$column = Arr::column($array, $key);


Creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values.

  • $keys is an array containing the keys.
  • $values is an array containing the values.
$combined = Arr::combine($keys, $values);


Count all elements in an array.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $mode is an integer representing the counting mode, and will default to Arr::COUNT_NORMAL.
$count = Arr::count($array, $mode);


Find values in the first array not present in any of the other arrays.

  • $array is the input array.

Any additional arguments supplied will be used to test for the values of the first array.

$diff = Arr::diff($array, ...$arrays);


Split an array into keys and values.

  • $array is the input array.
$divided = Arr::divide($array);


Flatten a multi-dimensional array using "dot" notation.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $prefix is a string representing the key prefix, and will default to null.
$dot = Arr::dot($array, $prefix);


Filter an array without the specified key/value pairs.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $keys is an array containing the keys to remove.
$except = Arr::except($array, $keys);


Fill an array with values.

  • $amount is a number representing the number of elements to insert.
  • $value is the value to insert.
$filled = Arr::fill($amount, $value);


Filter elements of an array using a callback function.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $callback is the callback function to use.
  • $mode is a number determining representing which arguments will be sent to the callback, and will default to Arr::FILTER_BOTH.

If $callback is omitted this function will filter empty elements from the array.

$filtered = Arr::filter($array, $callback);


Find the first value in an array that satisfies a callback.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $callback is the callback function to use.
  • $default is the default value to return, and will default to null.
$find = Arr::find($array, $callback, $default);

Find Last

Find the last value in an array that satisfies a callback.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $callback is the callback function to use.
  • $default is the default value to return.
$findLast = Arr::findLast($array, $callback, $default);


Flatten a multi-dimensional array into a single level.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $maxDepth is a number representing the maximum depth to flatten, and will default to 1.
$flattened = Arr::flatten($array, $maxDepth);

Forget Dot

Remove a key/value pair using "dot" notation.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $key is the key to remove.
$forgetDot = Arr::forgetDot($array, $key);

Get Dot

Retrieve a value using "dot" notation.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $key is the key to lookup.
  • $defaultValue is the default value to return, and will default to null.
$getDot = Arr::getDot($array, $key, $defaultValue);

Has Dot

Determine whether a given element exists in an array using "dot" notation.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $key is the key to check for.
$hasDot = Arr::hasDot($array, $key);

Has Key

Determine whether a given key exists in an array.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $key is the key to check for.
$hasKey = Arr::hasKey($array, $key);


Determine whether a given value exists in an array.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $value is the value to check for.
$includes = Arr::includes($array, $value);


Index a multi-dimensional array using a given key value.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $key is the column to pull key values from.
$index = Arr::index($array, $key);

Index Of

Search an array for a given value and returns the first key.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $value is the value to search for.
  • $strict is a boolean indicating whether a strict search will be performed, and will default to false.
$indexOf = Arr::indexOf($array, $value, $strict);


Find values in the first array present in all of the other arrays.

  • $array is the input array.

All additional arguments supplied will be used to test for intersections.

$intersect = Arr::intersect($array, ...$arrays);

Is Array

Determine whether the value is an array.

  • $value is the value to test.
$isArray = Arr::isArray($value);

Is List

Determine whether an array has consecutive keys starting from 0.

  • $array is the array to test.
$isList = Arr::isList($array);


Join an array elements using a specified separator.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $separator is a string representing the separator to join with, and will default to ","
$joined = Arr::join($array, $separator);


Get all keys of an array.

  • $array is the input array.
$keys = Arr::keys($array);

Last Index Of

Search an array for a given value and returns the last key.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $value is the value to search for.
  • $strict is a boolean indicating whether a strict search will be performed, and will default to false.
$lastIndexOf = Arr::lastIndexOf($array, $value, $strict);


Apply a callback to the elements of an array.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $callback is the callback function to use.
$map = Arr::map($array, $callback);


Merge one or more arrays.

  • $array is the input array.

All additional arguments supplied will be merged with the first array.

$merged = Arr::merge($array, ...$arrays);


Filter an array with only the specified key/value pairs.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $keys is an array containing the keys to include.
$only = Arr::only($array, $keys);


Pad an array to a specified length with a value.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $size is a number representing the new size of the array.
  • $value is the value to pad with.
$padded = Arr::pad($array, $size, $value);

Pluck Dot

Pluck a list of values using "dot" notation.

  • $arrays is the input arrays.
  • $key is the key to lookup.
$values = Arr::pluckDot($arrays, $key);


Pop the element off the end of array.

  • $array is the input array.
$pop = Arr::pop($array);


Push one or more elements onto the end of array.

  • $array is the input array.

All additional arguments supplied will be pushed onto the array.

$newCount = Arr::push($array, ...$values);

Random Value

Get a random value from an array.

  • $array is the input array.
$randomValue = Arr::randomValue($array);


Create an array containing a range of elements.

  • $start is a number representing the first value of the sequence.
  • $end is a number representing the ending value in the sequence.
  • $step is a number representing the increment between values in the sequence, and will default to 1.
$range = Arr::range($start, $end, $step);


Iteratively reduce an array to a single value using a callback function.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $callback is the callback function to use.
  • $initial is the initial value to use, and will default to null.
$reduced = Arr::reduce($array, $callback, $initial);


Reverse the order of elements in an array.

  • $array is the input array.
$reversed = Arr::reverse($array);

Set Dot

Set a value using "dot" notation.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $key is the key.
  • $value is the value to set.
  • $overwrite is a boolean indicating whether previous values will be overwritten, and will default to true.
$setDot = Arr::setDot($array, $key, $value, $overwrite);


Shift an element off the beginning of the array.

  • $array is the input array.
$shift = Arr::shift($array);


Shuffle an array.

  • $array is the input array.
$shuffled = Arr::shuffle($array);


Extract a slice of the array.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $offset is a number representing the starting offset.
  • $length is a number representing the length of the slice.
  • $preserveKeys determines if the array keys will be preserved, and will default to false.
$slice = Arr::slice($array, $offset, $length, $preserveKeys);


Sort an array.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $sort is a number representing the sorting flag or a comparison Closure, and will default to Arr::SORT_NATURAL.
$sorted = Arr::sort($array, $sort);


Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else.

  • $array is the input array.
  • $offset is a number representing the starting offset.
  • $length is a number representing the length of the slice.
  • $replacement is the element(s) to insert in the array.
$spliced = Arr::splice($array, $offset, $length, $replacement);


Remove duplicate values from an array.

  • $array is the input array.
$unique = Arr::unique($array);


Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array.

  • $array is the input array.

All additional arguments supplied will be prepended to the array.

$newCount = Arr::unshift($array, ...$values);


Get all values of an array.

  • $array is the input array.
$values = Arr::values($array);


Create an array from any value.

  • $value is the value to wrap.
$wrapped = Arr::wrap($value);