


Germania KG · Websites

*This package was destilled from legacy code and is deprecated.
You better do not want it to use this in production.

Packagist PHP version Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Build Status

Upgrade notes

Upgrading from v2

Database: There is a new field route_name. See sql/install.sql.txt on how to create or add the fields.

Classes PdoAllWebsites and PdoRouteWebsiteFactory: Passing the pages table name to constructor is now mandatory.

Upgrading from v1

There are two new database fields javascripts and stylesheets. See sql/install.sql.txt on how to create or add the fields.

According to this, interface WebsiteInterface prescribes two methods getJavascripts and getStylesheets, its implementation class Website additionally introduces setJavascripts and setStylesheets.

Installation with Composer

$ composer require germania-kg/websites

MySQL: When working with database, create your tables using the CREATE TABLE statements in sql/install.sql.txt.

All Websites

The interface WebsitesInterface extends IteratorAggregate, Countable and the PSR-11 ContainerInterface.

Class Websites implements WebsitesInterface and thus can be iterated over and ‘counted’. The PdoAllWebsites class is an extension that reads from a MySQL Table.

use Germania\Websites\PdoAllWebsites;
use Germania\Websites\Website;

// Instantiation
// - optional: Custom Website object template (extension of WebsiteAbstract)
$all_websites = new PdoAllWebsites( $pdo, "my_pages" );
$all_websites = new PdoAllWebsites( $pdo, "my_pages", new Website );

// Countable:
echo count($all_websites);

// Iterator:
foreach( $all_websites as $website):
	echo $website->getTitle(), PHP_EOL;

// ContainerInterface:
// Getting may throw WebsiteNotFoundException
// which implements Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface
$website_exists = $all_websites->has( 42 );
$website        = $all_websites->get( 42 );

Get a website by route

use Germania\Websites\PdoRouteWebsiteFactory;
use Germania\Websites\WebsiteNotFoundException;
use Germania\Websites\Website;

// Instantiation
// - optional: Custom Website object template (extension of WebsiteAbstract)
$factory = new PdoRouteWebsiteFactory( $pdo, "my_pages" );
$factory = new PdoRouteWebsiteFactory( $pdo, "my_pages", new Website );
$factory = new PdoRouteWebsiteFactory( $pdo, "my_pages", null );

$route = "/index.html";

// interop ContainerInterface
$exists  = $factory->has( $route );

try// Callable or ContainerInterface's Getter
	$website = $factory( $route );
	$website = $factory->get( $route );
// Interop\Container\Exception\NotFoundException
catch (WebsiteNotFoundException $e) {
	// 404


Issue 1: MySQL 5.7.5 has a ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY problem with the SQL query used in class PdoWebsiteRoutesAcl.

See issues list.


$ git clone
$ cd Websites
$ composer install

Unit tests

Either copy phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml and adapt to your needs, or leave as is. Run PhpUnit test or composer scripts like this:

$ composer test
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpunit