Content management for the Yii2 framework.
- Create Yii2 Basic project
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.2.0"
composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic {projectname}
- Install yii2-crelish
composer require giantbits/yii2-crelish
Edit your web.php config file
// Add crelish to the bootstrap phase.
'bootstrap' => ['crelish', '...'],
// Configure components.
// Set default route.
'defaultRoute' => 'frontend/index',
// Configure view component to use twig.
'view' => [
'class' => 'yii\web\View',
'renderers' => [
'twig' => [
'class' => 'yii\twig\ViewRenderer',
'cachePath' => '@runtime/Twig/cache',
// Array of twig options:
'options' => [
'auto_reload' => true,
'globals' => ['html' => '\yii\helpers\Html'],
'uses' => ['yii\bootstrap']
// Enable file cache.
'cache' => [
'class' => 'yii\caching\FileCache'
// Enable swift mailer.
'mailer' => [
'class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer',
'useFileTransport' => TRUE
// Use crelish user class
'user' => [
'identityClass' => 'giantbits\crelish\components\CrelishUser',
'enableAutoLogin' => true,
// Enable basic URL Manager.
'urlManager' => [
'enablePrettyUrl' => TRUE,
'showScriptName' => FALSE,
'enableStrictParsing' => TRUE,
'suffix' => '.html',
'rules' => [
// ...
// Finaly add Crelish to the config. (After component configuration)
$config['modules']['crelish'] = [
'class' => 'giantbits\crelish\Module',
'theme' => 'klangfarbe'
Create the following structure in you project root folder.
*Create folders for evey content type you use.*
*Content items of this type are stored here.*
*Content items of this type are stored here.*
*Definitions for each content type are stored here.*
Currently the system relies on two cintent types to b epresent. Paste the following code into the folder workspace/elements/.
// File name: asset.json
"key": "asset",
"label": "Asset",
"selectable": false,
"tabs": [
"groups": [
"fields": [
{ "label": "Title internal", "key": "systitle", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": true, "rules": [["required"], ["string", {"max": 128}]]},
{ "label": "Title", "key": "title", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": false, "rules": [["required"], ["string", {"max": 128}]]},
{ "label": "Description", "key": "description", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": false, "rules": [["required"],["string", {"max": 320}]]},
{ "label": "MIME-Type", "key": "mime", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": false, "rules": [["required"],["string", {"max": 128}]]},
{ "label": "Source", "key": "src", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": false, "rules": [["required"],["string", {"max": 256}]]},
{ "label": "Size", "key": "size", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": false, "rules": [["required"],["integer"]]},
{ "label": "Dominant color HEX", "key": "colormain_hex", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": false, "rules": [["safe"]]},
{ "label": "Dominant color RGB", "key": "colormain_rgb", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": false, "rules": [["safe"]]},
{ "label": "Color palette", "key": "colorpalette", "type": "textInput", "visibleInGrid": false, "rules": [["safe"]]}
// File name: page.json
"key": "page",
"label": "Page",
"tabs": [
"label": "Content",
"key": "content",
"groups": [
"label": "Content",
"key": "content",
"settings": {
"width": "60"
"fields": [
"label": "Settings",
"key": "settings",
"settings": {
"width": "40"
"fields": [
"fields": [
"label": "Title internal",
"key": "systitle",
"type": "textInput",
"visibleInGrid": true,
"rules": [
"max": 128
"label": "Title display",
"key": "displaytitle",
"type": "textInput",
"visibleInGrid": false,
"rules": [
"max": 128
"label": "Title navigation",
"key": "navtitle",
"type": "textInput",
"visibleInGrid": false,
"rules": [
"max": 128
"label": "Meta-Description",
"key": "metadescription",
"type": "textInput",
"visibleInGrid": false,
"rules": [
"max": 128
"label": "Meta-Keywords",
"key": "metakeywords",
"type": "textInput",
"visibleInGrid": false,
"rules": [
"max": 128
"label": "Content",
"key": "body",
"type": "widget_\\yii\\redactor\\widgets\\Redactor",
"visibleInGrid": false,
"rules": [
"max": 2300
"label": "References",
"key": "matrix",
"type": "matrixConnector",
"rules": [
Crelish now provides a command-line tool to streamline the process of creating new content types. This tool automatically generates both the database table and the model class based on a JSON element definition.
- Create a JSON element definition file in
) - Run the generator command:
./yii content-type/generate boardgame
This will:
- Create a database table for the content type
- Generate a model class with appropriate getters/setters for JSON fields
- Set up relations based on the element definition
To see all available element definitions:
./yii content-type/list
The element definition should follow the standard Crelish format, with the addition of a storage
property to specify whether to use database or JSON storage:
"key": "boardgame",
"storage": "db",
"label": "Board Games",
"category": "Content",
"fields": [
"label": "Title",
"key": "systitle",
"type": "textInput",
"visibleInGrid": true,
"rules": [
["string", {"max": 128}]
"sortable": true
"label": "Mechanics",
"key": "mechanics",
"type": "checkboxList",
"transform": "json",
"visibleInGrid": false,
"rules": [
"label": "Cover Image",
"key": "coverImage",
"type": "assetConnector",
"visibleInGrid": false,
"rules": [
The generator will automatically:
- Map field types to appropriate database column types
- Create getters and setters for JSON fields
- Set up relations for fields of type
relationSelect: Creates a relation to another content type. Requires a
property to specify the target content type. - assetConnector: Creates a relation to the asset content type. This is automatically handled without additional configuration.
- matrixConnector: Stored as JSON data for complex structured content.
- widgetConnector: Stored as JSON data for connecting widgets to content items.
- Fields with
"transform": "json"
: Automatically handled with getters and setters for working with JSON data.