Symfony Distributed Architecture is a Symfony bundle. It extends distributed-architecture and distributed-architecture-queue to provide compatibility with the Command system from Symfony.
If you want to use an interface to control you distributed architecture, you can install symfony-distributed-architecture-admin.
$ composer require giudicelli/symfony-distributed-architecture
To run your distributed architecture you will mainly need to use one command "bin/console distributed_architecture:run-master". It will parse the configuration and launch all processes.
The following options are handled by "distributed_architecture:run-master":
- --max-running-time will gracefully stop all slave processes after a certain duration. It's usually a good idea to use this as Symfony commands tend to use more and more memory over time. A duration of 3600 seconds is in most case a good value. Default is 0, meaning the master will only exit once all the slaves a exited.
- --max-process-timeout Set the maximum number of times a process can timeout before it is considered dead and removed. Default is 3.
- --timeout Set the timeout for the master. Default is 300.
- --service Run as detached service, even when all processes will have exited, "distributed_architecture:run-master" will not exit. You can install symfony-distributed-architecture-admin to control "distributed_architecture:run-master".
- --user When --service is activated, run as this user. Ignored if not root.
- --group When --service is activated, run as this group. Ignored if not root.
- --log When --service is activated, specify in which file to log, default is %kernel.logs_dir%/distributed_architecture.log.
- --pid When --service is activated, specify in which file to store the PID of the service, default is %kernel.logs_dir%/
- --stop perform a clean stop of the previously started service, you need to specify the same values for --timeout and --pid as when started the service, if you did not specify any of those just ignore those options.
Place your configuration in "config/packages/distributed_architecture.yaml".
To see all available configuration options, you can execute the following command:
$ bin/console config:dump-reference distributed_architecture
Here is a complete example of a configuration.
First Group: # The name of the group
command: app:test-command # The command to be executed using bin/console
bin_path: /usr/bin/php7 # When the binary is not the same as the master's
path: /the/path/to/symfony # When Symfony's path is not the same as the master's
priority: -10 # Set all processes' priority, it will require to whole architecture to run as root
timeout: 60 # We consider a process timed out when not receiving data for this duration
params: # Parameters that will be passed to all the processes
Param1: Value1
Param2: Value2
local: # We want to run a local process
instances_count: 2 # We want to run 2 instances of the command
bin_path: /usr/bin/php7-3 # We can overide the default value from the group
path: /the/path/to/symfony4 # We can overide the default value from the group
priority: 10 # We can overide the default value from the group
timeout: 120 # We can overide the default value from the group
remote: # We want to launch remote processes
- # First remote process
instances_count: 2 # We want to run 2 instances of the command on each host
username: otherusername # When we should use another user name that the user used to run the master process
private_key: /path/to/privateKey/id_rsa # When the private key used to connect is not stored in ~username/.ssh/id_rsa
bin_path: /usr/bin/php7-3 # We can overide the default value from the group
path: /the/path/to/symfony4 # We can overide the default value from the group
priority: 10 # We can overide the default value from the group
timeout: 120 # We can overide the default value from the group
hosts: # The list of hosts
- server-host-1
- server-host-2
- # Second remote process
instances_count: 2 # We want to run 2 instances of the command on each host
hosts: # The list of hosts
- server-host-3
Second Group: # The name of the group
command: app:test-command-2 # The command to be executed using bin/console
params: # Parameters that will be passed to all the processes
Param1: Value1
Param2: Value2
local: # We want to run a local process
instances_count: 1 # We want to run 1 instance of the command
remote: # We want to launch remote processes
- # First remote process
instances_count: 1 # We want to run 1 instance of the command on each host
hosts: # The list of hosts
- server-host-1
- server-host-2
- server-host-3
queue_groups: # The list of feeder/consumers groups
Thrird Group: # The name of the group
command: app:test-queue-command # The feeder/consumers command to be executed using bin/console
local_feeder: # We want to run a local feeder process
bind_to: # The feeder should bind to this IP
port: 9999 # The feeder should listen on this port (9999 is the default)
#remote_feeder: # We want to run a remote feeder process
# bind_to: # The feeder should bind to this IP
# port: 9999 # The feeder should listen on this port (9999 is the default)
# hosts:
# - server-host-1 #There can only be one host for a remote feeder
consumers: # The list of consumers
instances_count: 1 # We want to run 1 consumer instance of the command
host: # The IP address of the feeder
remote: # We want to launch remote processes
- # First remote process
instances_count: 2 # We want to run 2 instances of the consumer command on each host
host: # The IP address of the feeder
hosts: # The list of hosts
- server-host-1
- server-host-2
The above code creates three groups.
One group is called "First Group" and it will run "bin/console app:test-command":
- 2 instances on the local machine,
- 2 instances on the "server-host-1" machine,
- 2 instances on the "server-host-2" machine,
- 2 instances on the "server-host-3" machine.
A total of 8 instances of "bin/console test-command" will run.
The second group is called "Second Group" and it will run "bin/console app:test-command-2":
- 1 instance on the local machine,
- 1 instance on the "server-host-1" machine,
- 1 instance on the "server-host-2" machine,
- 1 instance on the "server-host-3" machine.
A total of 4 instances of "bin/console test-command-2" will run.
The third group is called "Third Group" and it will run "bin/console app:test-queue-command", which is a feeder/consumers model:
- 1 feeder instance on the local machine, listening on,
- 2 consumer instances on the "server-host-1" machine, connecting to the feeder on,
- 2 consumer instances on the "server-host-2" machine, connecting to the feeder on
A total of 5 instances of "bin/console test-queue-command" will run.
Usually your configuration is the same between your master machine and your slave machines. Meaning:
- the path to Symfony is the same,
- the PHP binary is the same,
- the current username as access to all remote machines using a private key,
- the private key is stored in $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.
When all those are true, your configuration can be very minimal.
First Group: # The name of the group
command: app:test-command # The command to be executed using bin/console
params: # Parameters that will be passed to all the processes
Param1: Value1
Param2: Value2
local: # We want to run a local process
instances_count: 2 # We want to run 2 instances of the command
remote: # We want to launch remote processes
- # First remote process
instances_count: 2 # We want to run 2 instances of the command on each host
hosts: # The list of hosts
- server-host-1
- server-host-2
- # Second remote process
instances_count: 2 # We want to run 2 instances of the command on each host
hosts: # The list of hosts
- server-host-3
Second Group: # The name of the group
command: app:test-command-2 # The command to be executed using bin/console
params: # Parameters that will be passed to all the processes
Param1: Value1
Param2: Value2
local: # We want to run a local process
instances_count: 1 # We want to run 2 instances of the command
remote: # We want to launch remote processes
- # First remote process
instances_count: 1 # We want to run 2 instances of the command on each host
hosts: # The list of hosts
- server-host-1
- server-host-2
- server-host-3
queue_groups: # The list of feeder/consumers groups
Thrird Group: # The name of the group
command: app:test-queue-command # The feeder/consumers command to be executed using bin/console
local_feeder: # We want to run a local feeder process
bind_to: # The feeder should bind to this IP
port: 9999 # The feeder should listen on this port (9999 is the default)
#remote_feeder: # We want to run a remote feeder process
# bind_to: # The feeder should bind to this IP
# port: 9999 # The feeder should listen on this port (9999 is the default)
# hosts:
# - server-host-1 #There can only be one host for a remote feeder
consumers: # The list of consumers
instances_count: 1 # We want to run 1 consumer instance of the command
host: # The IP address of the feeder
remote: # We want to launch remote processes
- # First remote process
instances_count: 2 # We want to run 2 instances of the consumer command on each host
host: # The IP address of the feeder
hosts: # The list of hosts
- server-host-1
- server-host-2
Slave command
A slave command must extend the "giudicelli\DistributedArchitectureBundle\Command\AbstractSlaveCommand" class.
You may not pass it options, the only acceptable options are defined by "AbstractSlaveCommand" and are passed by "distributed_architecture:run-master". If you need to pass it some parameters, please use the "params" entries in the group's configuration.
Using the above example, here is a possible implementation for "app:test-command" or "app:test-command-2".
namespace App\Command;
use giudicelli\DistributedArchitectureBundle\Command\AbstractSlaveCommand;
use giudicelli\DistributedArchitectureBundle\Handler;
use giudicelli\DistributedArchitecture\Slave\HandlerInterface;
class TestCommand extends AbstractSlaveCommand
protected function configure()
$this->setDescription('Do the work load');
// This method must be implemented
protected function runSlave(?HandlerInterface $handler): void
if(!$handler) {
echo "Not executed in distributed-architecture\n";
$groupConfig = $handler->getGroupConfig();
$params = $groupConfig->getParams();
// Handler::sleep will return false if we were
// asked to stop by the master command
while($handler->sleep(1)) {
// Anything echoed here will be considered log level "info" by the master process.
// If you want another level for certain messages, use $handler->getLogger().
// echo "Hello world!\n" is the same as $handler->getLogger()->info('Hello world!')
echo $params['Param1']." ".$params['Param2']."\n";
Feeder/Consumers slave command
A feeder/consumers slave command must extend the "giudicelli\DistributedArchitectureBundle\Command\AbstractSlaveQueueCommand" class.
You may not pass it options, the only acceptable options are defined by "AbstractSlaveQueueCommand" and are passed by "distributed_architecture:run-master". If you need to pass it some parameters, please use the "params" entries in the group's configuration.
Using the above example, here is a possible implementation for "app:test-queue-command".
namespace App\Command;
use giudicelli\DistributedArchitecture\Slave\HandlerInterface;
use giudicelli\DistributedArchitectureBundle\Command\AbstractSlaveQueueCommand;
use giudicelli\DistributedArchitectureQueue\Slave\Queue\Feeder\FeederInterface;
class TestQueueCommand extends AbstractSlaveQueueCommand
protected function configure()
$this->setDescription('Launch the slave test queue command');
* Return the instance of the FeederInterface,
* this is called when this command is run as a feeder
protected function getFeeder(): FeederInterface
// The feeder is application related,
// it loads the items that need to be fed to the consumers
return new Feeder();
* Handle an item sent by the feeder,
* this is called when this command is run as a consumer
protected function handleItem(HandlerQueue $handler, array $item): void
// Anything echoed here will be considered log level "info" by the master process.
// If you want another level for certain messages, use $handler->getLogger().
// echo "Hello world!\n" is the same as $handler->getLogger()->info('Hello world!')
// The content of $item is application related
Pre run checks
If your slave command needs to run some checks before being actually run by the master it needs to implement the following method:
class TestQueueCommand extends AbstractSlaveQueueCommand
public function preRunCheck(GroupConfigInterface $groupConfig, LoggerInterface $logger): bool
if($this->someCheck()) {
return true; // Everything is ok, proceed.
return false; // Not ok, master will not run this group config.
This bundle dispatches a few events:
- distributed_architecture.master_starting with a MasterStartingEvent object, is dispatched everytime a LauncherInterface is starting. It can be either on the master server or on a remote server, use MasterStartingEvent::getLauncher()::isMaster() to know if you're on the master server or on a remote.
- distributed_architecture.master_started with a MasterStartedEvent object, is dispatched everytime a LauncherInterface is started. It can be either on the master server or on a remote server, use MasterStartedEvent::getLauncher()::isMaster() to know if you're on the master server or on a remote.
- distributed_architecture.master_running with a MasterRunningEvent object, is dispatched on a regular basis. It can be either on the master server or on a remote server, use MasterRunningEvent::getLauncher()::isMaster() to know if you're on the master server or on a remote.
- distributed_architecture.master_stopped with a MasterStoppedEvent object, is dispatched when a LauncherInterface exits. It can be either on the master server or on a remote server, use MasterStoppedEvent::getLauncher()::isMaster() to know if you're on the master server or on a remote.
- distributed_architecture.process_created with a ProcessCreatedEvent object, is dispatched everytime a ProcessInterface is created.
- distributed_architecture.process_started with a ProcessStartedEvent object, is dispatched everytime a ProcessInterface is started.
- distributed_architecture.process_running with a ProcessRunningEvent object, is dispatched everytime the ProcessInterface sends data.
- distributed_architecture.process_stopped with a ProcessStoppedEvent object, is dispatched when a ProcessInterface exits.
- distributed_architecture.process_timedout with a ProcessTimedOutEvent object, is dispatched when a ProcessInterface has not sent any data in a certain time.