Gritbox is a pre-packaged Nette Framework project, basic configured structure for your application.

templating, framework, database, dbal, debugging, mvc, micro, Forms, latte, neon, mailing, images


Gritbox - a full-featured Nette project starter

Gritbox is a pre-packaged and pre-configured Nette Framework application that you can use as the skeleton for your new applications.

Goal is to create an application skeleton using best practices (ORM, DI, Services, Components) including base functionalities every app needs like user register/login/password reset etc.

It is based on these technologies:

  • PHP
  • Nette (PHP framework)
  • Nextras\ORM (ORM)
  • Bootstrap 4 alpha 6 (CSS framework)
  • Webpack (CSS, JS compiling, bundling and minification)
  • SCSS (CSS pre-processor)
  • jQuery (Javasript framework)
  • NPM (package manager)


Basic user management

Because every app needs these:

  • Admin area
  • Login form
  • Register form
  • Reset password form (sends password reset e-mail)
  • TODO: Adding/removing users from Admin area

and more:

  • ACL (Access Control List) defined in config.neon and annotations
  • Flashmessage UX (stay always visible)
  • Modules (Front, Admin)
  • Services: EmailService
  • Development tools:
  • Stack setup: vendor bundles, caching via hashed files


1. Create project based on Gritbox via Composer

The best way to install Gritbox is using Composer. If you don't have Composer yet, download it following the instructions. Then use command:

composer create-project gritbox/gritbox my-app
cd my-app

2. Install Node modules via NPM

After you have Gritbox downloaded by Composer, run

npm install

which will install all Node modules into node_modules directory.

3. Import Database

Create MySQL database and import basic database structure from /database/database.sql dump.

4. Set local configuration

Rename config.local.template.neon to config.local.neon and edit database credentials

5. Make some dirs writable

Make directories temp and log writable. Navigate your browser to the www directory and you will see a welcome page. PHP 5.4 allows you run php -S localhost:8888 -t www to start the web server and then visit http://localhost:8888 in your browser.

It is CRITICAL that whole app, log and temp directories are NOT accessible directly via a web browser! See security warning.
