With this SeAT Package you can create auto
, opt-in
, managed
and hidden
which correlate to SeAT-Roles.
Important: seat-groups are work in progress and certainly have some bugs please do report any findings to seat-slack and report it as an issue
- cd to
- enter
composer require herpaderpaldent/seat-groups
- run migration
php artisan migrate
SeAT Groups
auto group
Members of set corporation are getting assigned the corresponding roles
opt-in group
Members of set corporation can opt-in into a seat group and get then assigned the corresponding roles
managed groups
Members may apply for these groups. Managers may accept or deny the application
hidden groups
This seat group is for hidden groups f.e. CEO. This group is only shown on the overview for users with seatgroup.create
and superuser
Some Member does not get the roles he is supposed to
Make sure that all of your usergroups have a main_character set
I just updated SeAT Groups but the fix is not working
Restart supervisor or seat-worker
container to load the new code to workers.
I have set an affiliation but it isn't shown
Make sure you are running the latest version. Later versions interfered with AdBlockers. Disable your adblocker temporally as work around and update.
Open Source is best when supported by a community. Any size of contribution is very appreciated. A little hall of fame for your code-contribution:
If you like SeAT Groups, i highly appreciate ISK Donations to Herpaderp Aldent.