
Framework for any kind of TYPO3 migrations and imports. Also exports and imports content from and to json files.

import, migration, news, typo3, Gridelements, TemplaVoila, boilerplate


TYPO3 Migration Framework


This extension (EXT:migration) is a helper extension for your TYPO3 updates and migrations based on CLI commands (to prevent timeouts, use a better performance, etc...).

What can this extension do for you:

  • Migration of table values
  • Import tables values from other tables
  • Port: Export of whole page branches with all records and files as json
  • Port: Import of whole page branches with all records and files from json into an existing table (and gives new identifiers and relations)
  • Page actions (move, copy and delete) from CLI

This framework extension helped us (in2code) in some really large projects to migrate some stuff - e.g.:

  • old backendlayouts to new backendlayouts
  • tt_news to tx_news
  • templatevoila to backendlayouts and gridelements
  • mailform to powermail or mailform to form
  • individual stuff to different individual stuff

Note: This extension is not a ready-to-use extension for your (e.g.) tt_news to tx_news migration. In my eyes it's nearly not possible to build a one-solves-all migrator extension that automatically fits all needs of your installation. Because TYPO3 instances can be build in such different ways an individual configuration is often needed.

Note2: If you want to use this extension for your migrations, you need a basic understanding of the database structure of your TYPO3 instance. Because you have to set up the migrators and importers by yourself (e.g. you have to know that tt_news.title will be migrated to tx_news_domain_model_news.title for your news migration, etc...).

Some naming conventions:

  • Import means here: Import stuff from an old to a new table (like from tt_news to tx_news_domain_model_news)
  • Migrate means here: Migrate existing records in an existing table (like in tt_content from TemplaVoila to Gridelements)


Possible roadmap for TYPO3 update and migration projects

If your migration comes along with a TYPO3 update (like from 6.2 to 9.5 or so), you should go this way:

  • Update
    • Start with an empty database and a new TYPO3 9.5 and build your functions in it with some testpages
    • Add additional functions that are needed to your small test instance (like news, powermail, own content elements, etc...)
    • Of course I would recommend to store the complete configuration (TypoScript, TSConfig etc...) in an extension (sitepackage)
  • Preperation
    • Import your old database into the new instance
    • Make a db compare (I would recommend the package typo3_console for this to do this from CLI)
    • Make your update wizard steps (I would also recommend the package typo3_console for this to do this from CLI)
  • Migration
    • Dump your new database
    • Add an extension (e.g. key migration_extend) with a composer.json and require in2code/migration in it
    • Install this extension (e.g. in require_dev section)
    • Start with adding your own Migrators and Importers to your extension (Add a configuration file to your extension)
    • And then have fun with migrating, rolling back database, update your scripts, migrate again, and so on
  • Finish

Example CLI commands

# Example migration
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --configuration EXT:migration_extend/Configuration/Migration.php

# Example export into json file
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:export 123 > /home/user/export.json

# Example import from json file
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:import /home/user/export.json 123

See documenation for a detailed description of all CLI commands


Breaking changes

  • Update to 7.6.0: This is only a small breaking change because constructors in extended with a configuration array now. If you are using own propertyHelpers and you overwrote __construct(), you have also to pass the new variable now.


Version Date State Description
11.2.0 2024-06-06 Feature Extend default configuration with newer news plugins, container and powermail_cond settings, prevent duplicate mm table entries, support sections in links now, prevent some missing array key errors
11.1.0 2024-06-06 Task sys_file_metadata records should also be importend and exported, move "beforeEvent" really before import data is generated, prevent some missing array key errors, prevent array to string conversion message
11.0.1 2024-01-31 Bugfix Fix some smaller issues (e.g. missing array keys, etc...)
11.0.0 2024-01-10 Task Support TYPO3 12 and 11, some bugfixes
10.0.0 2023-03-17 Task Some smaller PHP 8 related fixes, first code cleanup for TYPO3 12 (e.g. ObjectUtility::getObjectManager() was removed)
9.0.0 2022-09-08 Feature Add property helpers for gridelements to container migration
8.0.1 2022-05-10 Bugfix Small fix in the import class for merging arrays with excluding tables
8.0.0 2022-04-17 Feature Support TYPO3 11 and drop older versions
7.8.0 2022-04-17 Feature Add an additional command for complex datahandler stuff on CLI
7.7.0 2022-01-21 Feature Add helper classes to FlexFormGeneratorPropertyHelper for even more power
7.6.1 2021-11-25 Bugfix Replace property helper should also handle array values
7.6.0 (!!!) 2021-10-29 Feature Make configuration available in propertyHelper classes
7.5.0 2021-10-11 Feature Import: Make the old identifiers available after importing
7.4.0 2021-07-05 Feature Port: Support inline relations with a parent relation now
7.3.0 2021-03-17 Task Fix command description, add extension key to composer.json, add autodeployment
7.2.0 2020-09-14 Feature Make FileHelper::indexFile a public function
7.1.0 2020-08-21 Task Small bugfix for writeFileFromBase64Code and add a message when adding slugs
7.0.0 2020-05-04 Task Update dependencies for TYPO3 9 and 10
6.7.0 2020-02-18 Feature Port: Add configuration of EXT:news and in2faq, keep identifiers feature
6.6.0 2020-02-13 Feature Port: Support relations like "tt_content_123,pages_234" now
6.5.2 2020-02-12 Bugfix Fix regression from 6.5.1
6.5.1 2020-02-12 Bugfix Migration: Don't use deleted=0 if there is no deleted field
6.5.0 2020-02-11 Feature Allow usage of {propertiesOld} when using an importer now
6.4.0 2020-02-03 Feature Allow manipulation of values while runtime for importers and migrators
6.3.0 2020-01-31 Task Port: Don't stop if file is missing, Fixes in FileHelper class
6.2.0 2019-12-19 Feature Migration: SlugPropertyHelper creates unique slugs in site now
6.1.0 2019-12-05 Feature Port: Import can now handle huge files (> 6GB) in fileadmin (if not embedded)
6.0.0 2019-11-12 Feature Port with file URI instead of embedding, absolute config path is supported now
5.4.0 2019-11-06 Feature Small features: Handle defect links, port config for powermail, etc...
5.3.0 2019-10-11 Task Port: Support links to records, some bugfixes, some cleanup
5.2.0 2019-10-02 Feature Export: Attach also files that simply linked in RTE + add localized records
5.1.0 2019-10-02 Feature Bugfix with missing tags, toggle file includes, added SlugPropertyHelper
5.0.0 2019-10-01 Feature Port and Migration is now based on an extend-extension with a configuration file
4.0.1 2019-09-16 Bugfix Restore deleted ArrayUtility class
4.0.0 2019-09-13 Task Complete rewrite for TYPO3 9 with symfony tasks and doctrine, etc...
3.1.0 2019-03-19 Feature Update RTE images, Export now with files from links
3.0.0 2019-02-08 Task Add a working import and export command controller
2.0.0 2018-09-07 Task Use extkey migration, add ImportExportCommandController, some improvements
1.1.1 2018-09-07 Task Add Changelog
1.1.0 2017-07-28 Task Add DataHandler and Help CommandControllers
1.0.0 2017-07-26 Task Initial release

Future Todos

  • Migration: Log errors to file
  • Migration: Throw error if given key is not defined
  • New: Show and remove unused files as CommandController