
A skeleton repository to quickly start a new CakePHP plugin

package, php, cakephp, Skeleton, cakephp-plugin


CakePHP Plugin Skeleton

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CakePHP plugin skeleton to quickly start with your next plugin idea.

Requires CakePHP 4.1.0+ and PHP 7.2.0+

Create your plugin using Composer:

composer create-project ishanvyas22/cakephp-plugin-skeleton --prefer-source my-awesome-plugin

Check coding standard with CakePHP Code Sniffer:

composer cs-check

Auto format code with CakePHP Code Sniffer:

composer cs-fix

Fix & Check coding standard together using single command:

composer check

Run static analysis using PHPStan:

composer analyze

Run unit tests using PHPUnit

composer test

👷 All set, start building your plugin.