Make sure Composer is installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute:
$ composer require j4nr6n/feature-flag-bundle
Enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles
in the config/bundles.php
file of your project:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
j4nr6n\FeatureFlagBundle\FeatureFlagBundle::class => ['all' => true],
A voter is an easy way to isolate the code for a given feature, but can also be used to "vote" on more than one feature.
// src/FeatureFlag/MyFeatureVoter.php
// ...
use j4nr6n\FeatureFlagBundle\FeatureVoterInterface;
class MyFeatureVoter implements FeatureVoterInterface
public function supports(string $featureFlag): bool
return $featureFlag === 'my_new_feature';
public function isEnabled(string $featureFlag, array $context = []): bool
// ...
You can create as many feature voters as you want. Remember though, if any single registered voter returns true
The final result will be true
// src/Controller/DefaultController.php
// ...
use j4nr6n\FeatureFlagBundle\FeatureCheckerInterface;
class DefaultController extends AbstractController
// ...
#[Route(name: 'app_default_homepage', methods: [Request::METHOD_GET])]
public function homepage(FeatureCheckerInterface $featureChecker): Response
return $featureChecker->isEnabled('new_homepage', ['user' => $this->getUser()])
? $this->render('default/new_homepage.html.twig')
: $this->render('default/homepage.html.twig');
// src/Service/SomeService.php
// ...
use j4nr6n/FeatureFlagBundle\FEatureCheckerInterface;
class SomeService
public function __construct(
private readonly FeatureCheckerInterface $featureChecker
) {
public function someMethod() {
return $this->featureChecker->isEnabled('new_feature')
? // Let them experience our greatness!
: // Not yet...
{% include feature_is_enabled('fancy_widget')
? '_fancy_widget.html.twig'
: '_plain_widget.html.twig'
If feature voters aren't working out, you can also create your own feature "checker".
See the Feature Checker
documentation for more information.