
Dockerized Development Environment (PHP)



Dockerized Development Environment (PHP)

This is my DDE ripped from my PHP framework OriginPHP

It has the following

  • Php
  • MySQL
  • Memcache
  • Redis
  • PostgreSQL
  • XDebug
  • PHPUnit
  • Composer


Install Docker Desktop

Go to your project run the composer require command.

$ cd <folder>
$ composer require jamielsharief/dde

First you will need to build the container

$ docker-compose build

Then start the container

$ docker-compose up

You can now access the server at http://localhost:8000.

To access container.

To access the MySQL client you will first need to access the container, then connect using the hostname db since the database server is also run in a docker container. If you want to access MySQL from your computer (not from within the contianer) then use localhost.

Inside the contianer the MySQL server hostname is db not localhost

To access the container

$ docker-compose run app bash

To run the MySQL client

$ mysql -h db -uroot -p

The username is root and password is root.

Change the password in the docker files if you are thinking of deploying this container.

To shutdown

$ docker-compose down