
Jaxon library integration for the CakePHP 3 framework

framework, php, cakephp, ajax, xajax, Jaxon


Jaxon Library for CakePHP

This package integrates the Jaxon library into the CakePHP framework.


The version 4 of the package requires CakePHP version 4.

Install the package with Composer.

composer require jaxon-php/jaxon-cake ^4.0


    "require": {
        "jaxon-php/jaxon-cake": "^4.0",

And run composer install.

Routing and middlewares

This package provides two middlewares, one to load the Jaxon config, and the other to process Jaxon requests. The Jaxon config middleware must be attached to the routes to all the pages where the Jaxon features are enabled, while the later must be attached to the controller action that processes Jaxon requests.

use Jaxon\Cake\Middleware\AjaxMiddleware as JaxonAjaxMiddleware;
use Jaxon\Cake\Middleware\ConfigMiddleware as JaxonConfigMiddleware;

$routes->scope('/', function (RouteBuilder $builder) {
    // Register Jaxon middlewares
    $builder->registerMiddleware('jaxon.ajax', new JaxonAjaxMiddleware());
    $builder->registerMiddleware('jaxon.config', new JaxonConfigMiddleware());

    // Apply the "jaxon.config" middleware to routes to pages that require Jaxon.

    // Define the route that processes Jaxon requests, and apply the "jaxon.ajax" middleware.
    $builder->scope('/ajax', function (RouteBuilder $builder) {
        // Jaxon ajax middleware.

        // Jaxon ajax route. Provide an empty controller action.
        $builder->post('/', ['controller' => 'Jaxon', 'action' => 'ajax', '_name' => 'jaxon']);



The settings in the config/jaxon.php config file are separated into two sections. The options in the lib section are those of the Jaxon core library, while the options in the app sections are those of the CakePHP application.

The following options can be defined in the app section of the config file.

Name Description
directories An array of directory containing Jaxon application classes
views An array of directory containing Jaxon application views

By default, the views array is empty. Views are rendered from the framework default location. There's a single entry in the directories array with the following values.

Name Default value Description
directory ROOT . '/jaxon/App' The directory of the Jaxon classes
namespace \Jaxon\App The namespace of the Jaxon classes
separator . The separator in Jaxon class names
protected empty array Prevent Jaxon from exporting some methods


This is an example of a CakePHP controller using the Jaxon library.

namespace App\Controller;

class DemoController extends AppController
    public function index()
        $jaxon = jaxon()->app();

        $this->set('jaxonCss', $jaxon->css());
        $this->set('jaxonJs', $jaxon->js());
        $this->set('jaxonScript', $jaxon->script());

Before it prints the page, the controller calls the $jaxon->css(), $jaxon->js() and $jaxon->script() functions to get the CSS and javascript codes generated by Jaxon, which it inserts into the page.

The Jaxon classes

The Jaxon classes can inherit from \Jaxon\App\CallableClass. By default, they are located in the ROOT/jaxon/App dir of the CakePHP application, and the associated namespace is \Jaxon\App.

This is an example of a Jaxon class, defined in the ROOT/jaxon/App/HelloWorld.php file.

namespace Jaxon\App;

class HelloWorld extends \Jaxon\App\CallableClass
    public function sayHello()
        $this->response->assign('div2', 'innerHTML', 'Hello World!');
        return $this->response;


  • Issue Tracker: github.com/jaxon-php/jaxon-cake/issues
  • Source Code: github.com/jaxon-php/jaxon-cake


The package is licensed under the BSD license.