A small, independent wrapper to get pretty versions strings of your dependencies.
- If you use this package in a library, you're encouraged to require it with a constraint of
^1.5 || ^2.0
, to obtain all the functionalities without constraining your end users to upgrade immediately to Composer 2.
To install, use Composer:
- from CLI:
composer require 'jean85/pretty-package-versions:^1.5 || ^2.0'
- or, directly in your
"require": {
"jean85/pretty-package-versions": "^1.5 || ^2.0"
This package was born as a thin wrapper for ocramius/package-versions; with the advent of Composer 2, this is no longer needed, since we can use directly Composer\InstalledVersions
. This led to this version compatibility chart:
pretty-package-versions |
Composer | Dependency used |
Up to 1.2 | 1.x only | ocramius/package-versions |
1.3 | Both 1.x and 2.x |
composer/package-versions-deprecated , fork of ocramius/package-versions
1.4 | 2.x only | None |
1.5+ | Both 1.x and 2.x |
composer/package-versions-deprecated , fork of ocramius/package-versions
2.0 | 2.x only | None |
This means that, with this package, you can obtain pretty versions without tying your user to any specific Composer version, with a smooth upgrade path. The release of 1.4 was reverted due to some discussion in #21 and related issues.
This package should be used with a single class, Jean85\PrettyVersions
: it provides a single method that returns a Jean85\Version
object for the requested package, like in this example:
use Jean85\PrettyVersions;
$version = PrettyVersions::getVersion('phpunit/phpunit');
$version->getPrettyVersion(); // '6.0.0'
$version->getShortVersion(); // '6.0.0'
$version->getVersionWithShortReference(); // '6.0.0@fa5711'
$version = PrettyVersions::getVersion('roave/security-advisories');
$version->getPrettyVersion(); // 'dev-master@7cd88c8'
$version->getShortVersion(); // 'dev-master'
$version->getVersionWithShortReference(); // 'dev-master@7cd88c8'
The Version
class has also a __toString()
method implemented, so it can be easily cast to a string; the result would be the same as calling the getPrettyVersion()
The Jean85\Version
class has these public methods available:
getPrettyVersion(): string
: if the requested package is a tagged version, it will return just the short version; if not, it will output the same result asgetVersionWithShortCommit()
getShortVersion(): string
: it will return just the version of the package (i.e.6.0.0
etc...) -
getReference(): string
will return the reference of the installed package, generally the full Git commit hash -
getShortReference(): string
will return the shortened version of the reference (i.e.fa5711
) -
getVersionWithShortReference(): string
: it will return the version of the package, followed by the short version of the reference (i.e.6.0.0@fa5711
) -
getPackageName(): string
will return the original package name -
getFullVersion(): string
will return the same value asPackageVersions\Versions::getVersion()
__toString(): string
will return the same asgetPrettyVersion()
Since the 1.5 release, there are two additional methods available:
returns the package name of the current (root) project, so basically thename
property value in yourcomposer.json
; it is a compatibility layer to be used in place ofPackageVersions\Versions::ROOT_PACKAGE_NAME
, which would be a transient dependency and it's not guaranteed to be present -
, which is a shortcut toPrettyVersions::getVersion(PrettyVersions::getRootPackageName())
The methods with reference
in the name were introduced in the 2.0 release, to better reflect the meaning of the data retrieved from Composer 2 API. The behavior is the same as the old methods, which are still present but deprecated:
New method | Old, deprecated method |
Version::getReference() |
Version::getCommitHash() |
Version::getShortReference() |
Version::getShortCommitHash() |
Version::getVersionWithShortReference() |
Version::getVersionWithShortCommit() |