The Easy\Validator
component rovides a simple way to validate the data using zend\validator.
Error messages can be translated into the language of your country.
How to Install
composer require jhones/easy-validator
How to use
Step One
Import Easy\Validator into your application
use Easy\Validator\Validator;
Step Two
Create an instance of the object passing in the constructor the data to be validated
$validator = new Validator([
'id' => 12334,
'name' => 'Easy Validator',
'date' => '1990-06-06',
'tel' => '3333-2212',
'age' => ''
Step Three
Call validate() method
Step Four
To check for validation errors that have occurred, just call the getErrors () method. Note that the method returns all errors that occurred in the validators: NotEmptyValidator, IntValidator, FloatValidator, DateValidator, AlnumValidator, AlphaValidator. Para cada validador é retornado todos os dados informados para validação
$errors = $validator->getErrors();
Example of Returned Errors
[errors] => Array
[not_empty] => Array
[age] => Array
[is_valid] => false
[messages] => Array
[is_empty] => Value is required and can't be empty
[integer] => Array
[name] => Array
[is_valid] => false
[messages] => Array
[not_int] => The input does not appear to be an integer
[date] => Array
[is_valid] => false
[messages] => Array
[not_int] => The input does not appear to be an integer
Get Valids
It is also possible to return data that has been successfully validated by calling the getValids()
$valids = $validator->getErrors();
Example of Data Validated Successfully
[valids] => Array
[not_empty] => Array
[id] => Array
[is_valid] => true
[name] => Array
[is_valid] => true
[date] => Array
[is_valid] => true
[tel] => Array
[is_valid] => true
[integer] => Array
[id] => Array
[is_valid] => true
Set Default Locale
Set default locale for show messages validator on your country language on config/config.php file
'default_locale' => 'en'
By default the locale is 'en'. To change, just enter the location of your country. The possible locations are:
'ar', 'bg', 'ca', 'cs', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hr', 'hu', 'id',
'it', 'ja', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt_BR', 'ru', 'se', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr', 'tr',
'uk', 'zh', 'zh_TW'