
Laravel Authentication Log provides authentication logger and notification for Laravel.

log, Authentication, notification, laravel


Laravel Authentication Log

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  1. Record the user login and retrieve it
  2. Notification via email when user login from a new device
  3. The notification email can be translated by set locale. And already had English and Chinese translation.



Inspired by yadahan/laravel-authentication-log.

To make package simple and clean, remove unnecessary record logout function, Slack notification, NexmoMessage notification.

Add translatable email function, and add Chinese translation. Translation of more languages is welcome to push.

Add some other code improvements.


Require: Laravel 8.x, and PHP 7.2+.

  1. Use Composer to install:

    composer require keyshang/laravel-authentication-log

  2. Migrate your database. The Laravel Authentication Log migration will create the table your application needs to store authentication logs:

    php artisan migrate

  3. Add the AuthenticationLogable and Notifiable traits to your authenticatable model (by default, App\User model). These traits provides various methods to allow you to get common authentication log data, such as last login time, last login IP address, and set the channels to notify the user when login from a new device:

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use KeyShang\AuthenticationLog\AuthenticationLogable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Notifiable, AuthenticationLogable;

Override default config

Run the command below, and change the generated file in config/authentication-log.php.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=authentication-log-config

Notify login from a new device

By default email notification is enable.

You can disable email notification by set the notify option in your config/authentication-log.php configuration file to false:

'notify' => env('AUTHENTICATION_LOG_NOTIFY', false),

Clear old logs

You may clear the old authentication log records using the authentication-log:clear Artisan command:

php artisan authentication-log:clear

Records that is older than the number of days specified in the older option in your config/authentication-log.php will be deleted:

'older' => 365,

Override default views

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=authentication-log-views

Override default translations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=authentication-log-translations

Basic Usage

Get all authentication logs for the user:


Get the user last login info:



Get the user previous login time & ip address (ignoring the current login):



Previewing Mail Notifications

In routes file, add following code to preview your Mail template.

Route::get('/notification', function () {
    $log = \KeyShang\AuthenticationLog\AuthenticationLog::first();
    $user = $log->authenticatable;
    return (new \KeyShang\AuthenticationLog\Notifications\NewDevice($log))


Thank you for considering contributing to the Laravel Authentication Log.


Laravel Authentication Log is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.