iCalcreator is the PHP implementation of rfc2445/rfc5545 and rfc updates, management of calendar information

json, xml, event, calendar, management, location, todo, resource, standard, ical, availability, alarm, rfc2445, rfc5545, rfc6321, rfc6868, vCalendar, vevent, vtodo, vjournal, vfreebusy, valarm, vtimezone, daylight, rfc7986, rfc5870, rfc7529, rfc7808, rfc7953, rfc9073, rfc9074, participant



is the PHP class package managing

iCal calendar information

rfc5545 - Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)

rfc2445 - Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)
rfc5870 - A Uniform Resource Identifier for Geographic Locations ('geo' URI)
rfc6321 - xCal: The XML Format for iCalendar
rfc6868 - Parameter Value Encoding in iCalendar and vCard
rfc7529 - Non-Gregorian Recurrence Rules in the Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)
rfc7808 - Time Zone Data Distribution Service
rfc7953 - Calendar Availability
rfc7986 - New Properties for iCalendar
rfc9073 - Event Publishing Extensions to iCalendar
rfc9074 - VALARM Extensions for iCalendar

operating on calendar and calendar event, todo, journal, freebusy, participant, location, resource, availability and timezone data.

iCalcreator supports systems like

* calendars
* project management systems
* other applications...

Please review

  • demo for a short demo
  • releaseNotes for release brief overview,
  • docs/summary and docs/using for details.

For iCal json (JSCalendar, rfc8984) export and import, use github.com/PhpJsCalendar.


v2.41.x - v2.42 pre-release

v2.40 - stable PHP8

v2.39 - PHP7

To support the development, maintenance and test process PHPCompatibility, PHPStan and php-arguments-detector are included.


For support use github.com/iCalcreator. Non-emergence support issues are, unless sponsored, fixed in due time.


Donations using buy me a coffee or paypal me are appreciated. For invoice, please e-mail.



From the Command Line:

composer require kigkonsult/icalcreator

In your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "kigkonsult/icalcreator": ">=2.40"

iCalcreator is licensed under the LGPLv3 License.