
Test your package change inside other packages

composer, continuous-testing, php, testing, unit-testing



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When you get multiple projects with strong dependencies between themselves or a project that many other depends on and make a change on one of them, you not only want this project's unit tests to pass, but all other to still pass considering this change. Even with a full coverage of each project, it's not rare to get a project broken by a very small change in one of its dependencies despite that change seemed pretty harmless.

If you package manager is composer, here comes multi-tester to the rescue. It will allow you to run unit tests of other project(s) replacing your package in their vendor directory with the current state of your package.

multi-tester is Travis CI friendly. Packages with .travis.yml will automatically be handled using Travis CI standard commands.


You first need to use composer for your project and have a composer.json file at the root of your project with a "name" property defined (it will be used to replace the code of your project from the vendor directory of other projects with the current changes).

Then you need to install multi-tester as a development dependency:

composer require kylekatarnls/multi-tester --dev


Once installed, the local command vendor/bin/multi-tester will be available.

With --add option it will create .multi-tester.yml (or the config file you passed as first argument) if it does not exist and add a project with default settings in it.

Without --add it will run tests on specified projects in the config file.

# Add a project:
vendor/bin/multi-tester --add=nesbot/carbon

# Run the tests:

Without argument, it will try to load its configuration from .multi-tester.yml file in the current directory. But you can specify an other location as the first argument: vendor/bin/multi-tester ./directory/config.json (config file can be a .json or a .yml).

You also can get detailed output with -v or --verbose flag.


The .multi-tester.yml config file is where you will list projects and how to download, install and test them.

config: # config entry is optional, it's about main config
  # By default, multi-tester assumes composer.json is in the same directory than .multi-tester.yml
  # But you can customize it to a relative path:
  directory: ../foobar

# Specify a vendor/package name as entry
  # Specify how to download the project:
  clone: git clone .
  # Specify how to install dependencies of the project:
  install: composer install
  # Specify how to run unit tests of the project:
  script: vendor/bin/phpunit

my-org/an-other-project: ...

All entry of a project configuration are optionals.

If you don't specify clone, multi-tester will check the package name at (composer registry) and get the Git url from it (other VCS are not supported yet). Instead of clone, you can also specify a version entry to filter packages versions (using API). Without version, the last stable will be used.

  version: ^3.2 # can be any semver string: >4.5, ~3.1.0, etc.

# You can pass the version string directly in the package name,
# so you can run the same package at different versions
symfony/symfony:5.4.*: default # 'default' means all settings use the default one

If you don't specify install, composer install --no-interaction will be used by default.

If you don't specify script, vendor/bin/phpunit --no-coverage will be used by default.

If you set install: travis, multi-tester will copy the install command from the .travis.yml file of the package you test.

If you set script: travis, multi-tester will copy the script command from the .travis.yml file of the package you test.

To get both from .travis.yml, use the shortcut:

symfony/symfony:5.4.*: travis


To not have to check manually with multi-tester, you should have it in your CI (continuous integration) process. For example if you use Travis, here is how to integrate in it and then get every project tested at each commit.

Let's say you have the following .travis.yml:

language: php

  - 7.1
  - 7.2
  - 7.3

  - composer install

  - vendor/bin/phpunit

Then you can add a line for multi-tester to your builds with:

language: php

    - php: 7.1
    - php: 7.2
    - php: 7.3
    - php: 7.3
      env: MULTITEST='on'

  - composer install

  - if [ "$MULTITEST" != "on" ]; then vendor/bin/phpunit; fi;
  - if [ "$MULTITEST" = "on" ]; then vendor/bin/multi-tester; fi;