TYPO3 - Frontend API
This package provides your TYPO3 installation with extended API capabilities. Create a REST-ful api was never that easy in TYPO3. It provides you with an extended router based on the PHP league's route package, it works in tandem with the already existing PSR-7 middleware stack but provides you with the option to register your own middleware specially for API requests. The bundle also has build in support for converting ext-base domain objects into json-api resources using fractal.
The main focus while designing the extension was to provide all capabilities to create a Single Page App using TYPO3. For that reason the package comes with endpoints for menus, translations, page content rendering and automatic generation of content element data representations.
Another key-aspect of this package is the easy handling of content elements. The package provides a powerfull extension to extbase controllers that allow you to render data based elements instead of fluid styled content.
- TYPO3 v10
- TYPO3 - Better API
- Installation using Composer
Known issues
- This extension is NOT tested with workspaces, and will probably not work correctly.
Install this package using composer:
composer require labor-digital/typo3-frontend-api
After that, you can activate the extension in the Extensions-Manager of your TYPO3 installation
Example extension
To take a look a how to use the extension, you can take a look at the example extension.
After a complete rewrite of the extension for TYPO3 v10 the old documentation has to be rewritten as well. I'm currently working on that.
You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.
Our address is: LABOR.digital - Fischtorplatz 21 - 55116 Mainz, Germany
We publish all received postcards on our company website.