Amazon Marketplace Webservices
Interaction with the Amazon Api for vendors called MWS
Change your composer.json file
"require": {
// ...
"mcs/amazon-mws": "*",
// ...
"repositories": [
"name": "mcs/amazon-mws",
"type": "git",
"url": ""
$ composer require mcs/amazon-mws
Initiate the client
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new MCS\MWSClient([
'Marketplace_Id' => '',
'Seller_Id' => '',
'Access_Key_ID' => '',
'Secret_Access_Key' => '',
'MWSAuthToken' => '' // Optional. Only use this key if you are a third party user/developer
// Optionally check if the supplied credentials are valid
if ($client->validateCredentials()) {
// Credentials are valid
} else {
// Credentials are not valid
Get orders
$fromDate = new DateTime('2016-01-01');
$orders = $client->ListOrders($fromDate);
foreach ($orders as $order) {
$items = $client->ListOrderItems($order['AmazonOrderId']);
Get product attributes
$searchField = 'ASIN'; // Can be GCID, SellerSKU, UPC, EAN, ISBN, or JAN
$result = $client->GetMatchingProductForId([
'<ASIN1>', '<ASIN2>', '<ASIN3>'
], $searchField);
Create or update a product
$product = new MCS\MWSProduct();
$product->sku = 'TESTNOTFORSALE';
$product->price = '1000.00';
$product->product_id = 'B0031S9***';
$product->product_id_type = 'ASIN';
$product->condition_type = 'New';
$product->quantity = 10;
if ($product->validate()) {
// You can also submit an array of MWSProduct objects
$result = $client->postProduct($product);
} else {
$errors = $product->getValidationErrors();
Create or update a marketplace product
public function uploadAmazon(string $productType, Product $product, int $productNode, $otherAttributes = [])
$client = new MCS\MWSClient([
'Marketplace_Id' => '',
'Seller_Id' => '',
'Access_Key_ID' => '',
'Secret_Access_Key' => '',
'MWSAuthToken' => '' // Optional. Only use this key if you are a third party user/developer
$amazonProducts = [];
$postItems = [];
$amazonProduct = new AmazonMarketPlaceProduct();
if ($product->productSku) {
array_push($amazonProducts, $amazonProduct);
array_push($postItems, $amazonProduct->toArray(false));
foreach ($product->productSku as $productSku) {
$retailPrice = $productSku->retail_price ?: 0;
$salePrice = $productSku->sale_price ?: 0;
$saleDate = $salePrice ? explode('~', $productSku->sale_date) : [];
$_amazonProduct = clone $amazonProduct;
->setPrice($retailPrice > 0 ? CurrencyConverter::CNYConverter($currency, $retailPrice) : '')
->setSalePrice($salePrice > 0 ? CurrencyConverter::CNYConverter($currency, $salePrice) : '')
->setSizeName($productSku->size ?: '')
->setColorName($productSku->color ?: '')
->setSaleFromDate(count($saleDate) == 2 ? $saleDate[0] : '')
->setSaleEndDate(count($saleDate) == 2 ? $saleDate[1] : '')
array_push($amazonProducts, $_amazonProduct);
array_push($postItems, $_amazonProduct->toArray(false));
} else {
$retailPrice = $product->price ?: 0;
$salePrice = $product->sale_price ?: 0;
$saleDate = $salePrice ? explode('~', $product->sale_date) : [];
->setPrice($retailPrice > 0 ? CurrencyConverter::CNYConverter($currency, $retailPrice) : '')
->setSalePrice($salePrice > 0 ? CurrencyConverter::CNYConverter($currency, $salePrice) : '')
->setSaleFromDate(count($saleDate) == 2 ? $saleDate[0] : '')
->setSaleEndDate(count($saleDate) == 2 ? $saleDate[1] : '')
array_push($amazonProducts, $amazonProduct);
array_push($postItems, $amazonProduct->toArray(false));
// You can also submit an array of MWSProduct objects
$feed = $client->postProduct(
Yii::info($postItems, $product->id . '上传产品数据');
return $feed;
Update product stock
$result = $client->updateStock([
'sku1' => 20,
'sku2' => 9,
$info = $client->GetFeedSubmissionResult($result['FeedSubmissionId']);
Update product stock with fulfillment latency specified
$result = $client->updateStockWithFulfillmentLatency([
['sku' => 'sku1', 'quantity' => 20, 'latency' => 1],
['sku' => 'sku2', 'quantity' => 20, 'latency' => 1],
$info = $client->GetFeedSubmissionResult($result['FeedSubmissionId']);
Update product pricing
$result = $client->updatePrice([
'sku1' => '20.99',
'sku2' => '100.00',
$info = $client->GetFeedSubmissionResult($result['FeedSubmissionId']);
For all report types, visit:
$reportId = $client->RequestReport('_GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA_');
// Wait a couple of minutes and get it's content
$report_content = $client->GetReport($reportId);
Available methods
View source for detailed argument description. All methods starting with an uppercase character are also documented in the Amazon MWS documentation
// Returns the current competitive price of a product, based on ASIN.
$client->GetCompetitivePricingForASIN($asin_array = []);
// Returns the feed processing report and the Content-MD5 header.
// Returns pricing information for the lowest-price active offer listings for up to 20 products, based on ASIN.
$client->GetLowestOfferListingsForASIN($asin_array = [], $ItemCondition = null);
// Returns lowest priced offers for a single product, based on ASIN.
$client->GetLowestPricedOffersForASIN($asin, $ItemCondition = 'New');
// Returns a list of products and their attributes, based on a list of ASIN, GCID, SellerSKU, UPC, EAN, ISBN, and JAN values.
$client->GetMatchingProductForId($asin_array, $type = 'ASIN');
// Returns a list of products and their attributes, based on an open text based query
$client->ListMatchingProducts($query, $query_context_id = null);
// Returns pricing information for your own offer listings, based on ASIN.
$client->GetMyPriceForASIN($asin_array = [], $ItemCondition = null);
// Returns pricing information for your own offer listings, based on SKU.
$client->GetMyPriceForSKU($sku_array = [], $ItemCondition = null);
// Returns an order based on the AmazonOrderId values that you specify.
// Returns the parent product categories that a product belongs to, based on ASIN.
// Returns the parent product categories that a product belongs to, based on SellerSKU.
// Get a report's content
// Returns a list of reports that were created in the previous 90 days.
$client->GetReportList($ReportTypeList = []);
// Get a report's processing status
// Get a list's inventory for Amazon's fulfillment
$client->ListInventorySupply($sku_array = []);
// Returns a list of marketplaces that the seller submitting the request can sell in, and a list of participations that include seller-specific information in that marketplace
// Returns order items based on the AmazonOrderId that you specify.
// Returns orders created or updated during a time frame that you specify.
$client->ListOrders($from, $allMarketplaces = false, $states = ['Unshipped', 'PartiallyShipped'], $FulfillmentChannel = 'MFN');
// Returns your active recommendations for a specific category or for all categories for a specific marketplace.
$client->ListRecommendations($RecommendationCategory = null);
// Creates a report request and submits the request to Amazon MWS.
$client->RequestReport($report, $StartDate = null, $EndDate = null);
// Uploads a feed for processing by Amazon MWS.
$client->SubmitFeed($FeedType, $feedContent, $debug = false);
// Call this method to get the raw feed instead of sending it
// Post to create or update a product (_POST_FLAT_FILE_LISTINGS_DATA_)
// Update a product's price
// Update a product's stock quantity
// A method to quickly check if the supplied credentials are valid