Image cache
Adds caching capabilities to the package lireincore/image
Also, you can use lireincore/yii2-imgcache extension that integrates this package with Yii2 framework.
And, you can use lireincore/LireinCoreImgCacheBundle bundle that integrates this package with Symfony framework.
Add the "lireincore/imgcache": "^0.6"
package to your require
section in the composer.json
$ php composer.phar require lireincore/imgcache
use LireinCore\ImgCache\ImgCache;
$config = [
// graphic library for all presets: imagick, gd, gmagick
// (by default, tries to use: imagick->gd->gmagick)
'driver' => 'gmagick',
// original images source directory for all presets
'srcdir' => '/path/to/my/project/uploads',
// thumbs destination directory for all presets (required)
// (to access the thumbs from the web they should be in a directory accessible from the web)
'destdir' => '/path/to/my/project/www/thumbs',
// web directory for all presets
'webdir' => '/path/to/my/project/www',
// base url for all presets
'baseurl' => '',
// quality of save jpeg images for all presets: 0-100 (default: 75)
'jpeg_quality' => 80,
// compression level of save png images for all presets: 0-9 (default: 7)
'png_compression_level' => 8,
// compression filter of save png images for all presets: 0-9 (default: 5)
'png_compression_filter' => 6,
// formats convert map for all presets
// supported formats for destination images: jpeg, png, gif, wbmp, xbm
// (default: ['jpeg' => 'jpeg', 'png' => 'png', 'gif' => 'gif', 'wbmp' => 'wbmp', 'xbm' => 'xbm',
// '*' => 'png'])
'convert_map' => [
// source format => destination format
'gif,wbmp' => 'png', // gif and wbmp to png
'*' => 'jpeg' // all others to jpeg
// plug for all presets (used if original image is not available)
'plug' => [
// absolute path to plug
'path' => '/path/to/my/project/assets/plug.png',
// apply preset effects and postprocessors to plug? (default: false)
'process' => true,
// define custom image class for all presets (which implements \LireinCore\Image\Manipulator interface)
// (default: \LireinCore\Image\Manipulators\Imagine)
'image_class' => '\Foo\Bar\MyImageClass',
// register custom effects or override default effects
// (default effects: crop, cover, resize, scale_up, scale_down, scale, rotate, overlay,
// flip, fit, blur, gamma, grayscale, negative, text)
'effects_map' => [
// effect => class (which implements \LireinCore\Image\Effect interface)
'myeffect1' => '\Foo\Bar\MyEffect1',
'myeffect2' => '\Foo\Bar\MyEffect2'
// register custom postprocessors or override default postprocessors
// (default postprocessors: jpegoptim, optipng, pngquant)
'postprocessors_map' => [
// postprocessor => class (which implements \LireinCore\Image\PostProcessor interface)
'my_postprocessor1' => '\Foo\Bar\MyPostProcessor1',
'my_postprocessor2' => '\Foo\Bar\MyPostProcessor2'
// postprocessors list
'postprocessors' => [
// postprocessor type
'type' => 'jpegoptim',
// postprocessor params
'params' => [
'path' => '/path/to/jpegoptim', // custom path to postprocessor binary
// (default: '/usr/bin/jpegoptim')
'quality' => 75, // for example: 0-100, 0 - worst | 100 - best
// (default: 85)
'strip_all' => false, // remove all metadata (Comments, Exif, IPTC, ICC, XMP)
// (default: true)
'progressive' => false // convert to progressive jpeg (default: true)
// postprocessor type
'type' => 'optipng',
// postprocessor params
'params' => [
'path' => '/path/to/optipng', // custom path to postprocessor binary
// (default: '/usr/bin/optipng')
'level' => 5, // for example: 0-7, 0 - max compression speed |
// 7 - max compression size (default: 2)
'strip_all' => false // remove all metadata (default: true)
// presets list
'presets' => [
// preset 'origin'
'origin' => [
// effects list
'effects' => [
// effect type
'type' => 'overlay',
// effect params
'params' => [
'path' => '/path/to/watermark.png', // path to overlay
'opacity' => 80, // overlay opacity, for example: 0-100,
// 0 - fully transparent | 100 - not transparent
// (default: 100) (not supported in gmagick)
'offset_x' => 'right', // overlay horizontal offset, for example: 100 | 20% |
// center | left | right (default: right)
'offset_y' => 'bottom', // overlay vertical offset, for example: 100 | 20% |
// center | top | bottom (default: bottom)
'width' => '50%', // overlay width, for example: 100 | 20% - change
// overlay image width
// (% - relative to the background image)
// (default: original size)
'height' => '50%' // overlay height, for example: 100 | 20% - change
// overlay image height
// (% - relative to the background image)
// (default: original size)
// you can override certain options for this preset
// graphic library for preset 'origin'
'driver' => 'gd',
// original images source directory for preset 'origin'
'srcdir' => '/path/to/my/project/backend/uploads',
// thumbs destination directory for preset 'origin'
// (to access the thumbs from the web they should be in a directory accessible from the web)
'destdir' => '/path/to/my/project/backend/www/thumbs',
// web directory for preset 'origin'
'webdir' => '/path/to/my/project/backend/www',
// base url for preset 'origin'
'baseurl' => '',
// quality of save jpeg images for preset 'origin'
'jpeg_quality' => 100,
// compression level of save png images for preset 'origin'
'png_compression_level' => 9,
// compression filter of save png images for preset 'origin'
'png_compression_filter' => 9,
// plug for preset 'origin' (used if original image is not available)
'plug' => [
'path' => '/path/to/my/project/backend/assets/plug_origin.png',
// define custom image class for preset 'origin'
// (which implements \LireinCore\Image\Manipulator interface)
'image_class' => '\Foo\Bar\MyOriginImage',
// postprocessors list for preset 'origin'
'postprocessors' => [
// postprocessor type
'type' => 'pngquant',
// postprocessor params
'params' => [
'path' => '/path/to/pngquant', // custom path to postprocessor binary
// (default: '/usr/bin/pngquant')
'quality' => 75, // for example: 0-100, 0 - worst | 100 - best
// (default: 85)
// preset 'content_preview'
'content_preview' => [
'effects' => [
// first effect
'type' => 'scale_up',
'params' => [
'max_width' => '500', // for example: 100 | 20% (default: auto)
'max_height' => '500', // for example: 100 | 20% (default: auto)
'allow_increase' => true // increase if image is less (default: false)
// second effect
'type' => 'crop',
'params' => [
'offset_x' => '50%', // for example: 100 | 20% | center | left | right
// (default: left)
'offset_y' => '50%', // for example: 100 | 20% | center | top | bottom
// (default: top)
'width' => '50%', // for example: 100 | 20% (default: auto)
'height' => '50%' // for example: 100 | 20% (default: auto)
// third effect
'type' => 'gamma',
'params' => [
'correction' => 0.8 // gamma correction (0.0-1.0)
// fourth effect
'type' => 'blur',
'params' => [
'sigma' => 3 // standard deviation
// formats convert map for preset 'content', extend convert map for all presets
'convert_map' => [
'xbm' => 'png', // xbm to png
'gif' => 'jpeg'
'plug' => [
// url to get the plug from a third-party service
'url' => ''
// preset 'test'
'test' => [
'effects' => [
'type' => 'grayscale',
'type' => 'fit',
'params' => [
'offset_x' => 'center', // for example: 100 | 20% | center | left | right
// (default: center)
'offset_y' => 'center', // for example: 100 | 20% | center | top | bottom
// (default: center)
'width' => '200', // for example: 100 | 20% (default: auto)
'height' => '90', // for example: 100 | 20% (default: auto)
'bgcolor' => '#f00', // background color, for example: '#fff' or '#ffffff' -
// hex | '50,50,50' - rgb | '50,50,50,50' - cmyk
// (default: #fff)
'bgtransparency' => 50, // background transparency, for example: 0-100,
// 0 - not transparent | 100 - fully transparent
// (default: 0) (not supported in gmagick)
'allow_increase' => true // increase if image is less (default: false)
'type' => 'text',
'params' => [
'text' => 'Hello word!', // text for writing
'font' => '/path/to/font', // font name or absolute path to the font file,
// for example: Verdana (default: Times New Roman)
'offset_x' => '5%', // for example: 100 | 20% (default: 0)
'offset_y' => '10', // for example: 100 | 20% (default: 0)
'size' => 14, // font size, for example: 14 (default: 12)
'color' => '#000', // font color, for example: '#fff' or '#ffffff' - hex |
// '50,50,50' - rgb | '50,50,50,50' - cmyk
// (default: #fff)
'opacity' => 50, // font opacity, for example: 0-100,
// 0 - fully transparent | 100 - not transparent
// (default: 100)
'angle' => 30, // in degrees, for example: 90 (default: 0)
'width' => '90%', // for example: 100 | 20% - text box width
// (% - relative to the background image)
// (default: none)
// preset 'test2'
'test2' => [
'effects' => [
'type' => 'negative'
'type' => 'flip',
'params' => [
'mode' => 'horizontal' // for example: vertical | horizontal | full
'type' => 'resize',
'params' => [
'width' => '100', // 100 | 20% (default: auto)
'height' => '100' // 100 | 20% (default: auto)
'type' => 'rotate',
'params' => [
'angle' => 90, // angle in degrees
'bgcolor' => '#f00', // background color, for example: '#fff' or '#ffffff' -
// hex | '50,50,50' - rgb | '50,50,50,50' - cmyk
// (default: #fff)
'bgtransparency' => 70 // background transparency, for example: 0-100,
// 0 - not transparent | 100 - fully transparent
// (default: 0) (not supported in gmagick)
'type' => 'scale',
'params' => [
'ratio' => '200%', // (for example: 0.5 | 50%)
// preset 'test3'
'test3' => [
'effects' => [
'type' => 'cover',
'params' => [
'offset_x' => 'left', // for example: 100 | 20% | center | left | right
// (default: center)
'offset_y' => 'top', // for example: 100 | 20% | center | top | bottom
// (default: center)
'width' => '200', // for example: 100 | 20% (default: auto)
'height' => '90', // for example: 100 | 20% (default: auto)
$imgcache = new ImgCache($config);
// get thumb path for image '{srcdir}/user/image.jpg' (preset 'origin')
$thumbPath = $imgcache->path('user/image.jpg', 'origin');
// $thumbPath === '{destdir}/presets/origin/user/image.jpg'
// if the source image is not found
// $thumbPath === '{destdir}/plugs/origin/plug_origin.png'
// get thumb relative url for image '{srcdir}/blog/image.jpg' (preset 'content_preview')
$thumbRelUrl = $imgcache->url('blog/image.jpg', 'content_preview');
// $thumbRelUrl === '/thumbs/presets/content_preview/blog/image.jpg'
// get thumb absolute url for image '{srcdir}/news/image.jpg' (preset 'test')
$thumbAbsUrl = $imgcache->url('news/image.jpg', 'test', true);
// $thumbAbsUrl === '{baseurl}/thumbs/presets/test/news/image.jpg'
// clear preset thumbs
// clear all presets thumbs
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the License File file for details