
RaccoonWP is an opinionated WordPress architecture stack and starter theme

composer, wordpress, boilerplate, stack, raccoon, wordpress-boilerplate


RaccoonWP logo


This is 2.11.0 release. If you find any issues let us know

Raccoon is a modern architecture stack and a starter theme for WordPress.

The stack is based on PHPComposer on the backend. Frontend build uses NodeJs and Webpack to bundle the files together for dev and production. This composition allows for quick and efficient development using the tools which are state of the art in 2022.

You should use it as your boilerplate/starter kit to obtain optimal architecture with performance, extensibility and security in mind.

Raccoon is best suited for fresh projects (but there is no problem in implementing it into existing ones with some effort).


Please find the documentation on our GitHub page


Version PHP from Packagist License

Packagist: Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version composer.lock


  • Architecture:

    • PHP Composer support.
    • WordPress Core as a dependency.
    • Full Docker image for your local development
    • Support for Wp-Cli.
    • Better directory structure and more secure than default WordPress install.
    • Environment-based configuration.
    • Proper project data management.
    • Ability to disable plugins per environment.
    • Internationalization built in from the beginning.
    • [Coming soon] MultiSite not tested yet! Though it should work without issues.
    • [On the roadmap] Unit tests
    • [On the roadmap] E2E tests
    • [On the roadmap] Progressive Web App and Service Worker
  • Theme:

    • Customizable theme build process based on newest Webpack 5 with all its features like dead code elimination, bundle analysis, watch process and more.
    • Flexible CSS: Plain SASS by default / Bootstrap 4 / Foundation 5 / Bourbon/Neat or anything else (check recipes section).
    • Modern JS: all newest features like ES6, modules, spreads, destructuring objects and arrays etc.
    • NPM: node package manager allowing to import various 3rd party libraries into the project.
    • uses Twig (default) or Blade templating (or you can go old plain WordPress way).
    • Vue? React? We got you covered, check recipes section.
    • Gutenberg support.
    • [On the roadmap] Child theme support.

    See our recipes section to see how to tweak the project to your needs.


MIT © LowGravity.pl
